A Something Promise

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"Tom," Edd sighed, "Where to begin?" As he finished his first line, his voice cracked and he was holding back sobs. Although it had been a month, he couldn't even say his name without a wave of sadness flowing over him.

"For one, I'm not sure what to think. I've had so much time to decide this, but I'm still not sure. Was this a broken or completed promise? Every fiber of my existence wants to believe he fully wanted to come back home on Christmas. Yet, he never did." Edd flipped an index card, and fixed his poster, then continued.

"Tom. He never once broke a promise. He was a great friend, and despite his first rough year living with us, a great roommate. But we weren't just friends. In his final letter, everything shocked me, but what stood out was that we took the place of his loving childhood family, the one he never had." Edd looked up to the seat where Mrs. Ridgewell was sitting, trying to read her face. "We also gave him a safe home, and loving hearts and that was a whole new experience for him."

Edd could feel himself choking back the cries as his throat became tighter. He waited a moment, just to keep himself strong. "Now a man like Tom does not open his heart to many, but if you are one of the lucky few, he will love and appreciate you with every square inch of it. But that's always made me wonder, where do hearts the size of mountains go... Where do they go once they've lost their shell? Only Tom would know."

Edd stepped out from behind the podium, and simply left the funeral. In his clean dress clothes, he began the trek up to the grave of two of his friends. When he arrived, he placed himself right in the middle of the two graves. As soon as he hit the ground, he felt that he was no longer alone...

 As soon as he hit the ground, he felt that he was no longer alone

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(Art by me)

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