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Luard rolled onto his back, letting go of the hole that was burning in his chest.

Blood and flesh melted together, escaping his body like soft ocean waves while his eyesight dimmed.

It was like a haze of red. A subtle film over shutting eyes.


A brilliant red light came from the hole in his chest. Sparkles of red surrounded him.

His teeth grew into fangs, while his dragon arm twitched, getting veiny and growing in size.

The red scales traveled up his body, and consumed the gaping hole where his heart was.

"I will...... live."

Luard uttered through the clumps of congealed blood in the back of his throat.

A blinding red light resonated from Luard. Claret took a step back, gauging the increase in mana.

"So this is what it takes to make you go at full strength? Muhahaha! Muhahahahahahahahahaha! Show me your true strength, you weakling!"

The scales began melding with black cloth, reconstructing Luard's body.

The gushing wound became a core of blue light, surrounded by thick silver armour and pitch black scales.

His body expanded, with neon green wings bursting from his back.

His feet became scarlet claws, and his dragon arms enlarged.

"Show me everything you have to offer! Stride! Stride Fusion to your utmost limit! Rampage! Rampage to your heart's content, Luard! Muhahahahahahahaha!"

Dark red mana rippled all around Luard like a vortex. His face was becoming distorted, and his eyes went yellow with bloodlust.

The wizard hat slowly elongated, becoming part of the new head Luard was transforming.

When the light-show cleared, all that left were the remnants of the man Luard once was.

He became Dragstrider, Luard. The full achievement of Dragshift.

"L-Luard?! What happened to him...?!" Morfessa said.

"It's simple. He has achieved both Rampage and Dragshift." Claret said.


"Accidental Stride. Luard has lost all consciousness. The only thing driving him... is his carnal instincts!"

"HORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Luard roared from the bottom of his heart.

"Claret... this is all your fault!"

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