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The broadcast said it wasn't going to rain today

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The broadcast said it wasn't going to rain today. Regardless, a heavy drizzle came.

Backlion stood across Spectral Duke Dragon, mouth agape. He stretched his hands towards him, and Spectral Duke stepped forward.

The violet flames that signified their relationship spiralled out of their hearts, and connected one another. The PSYQualia in Backlion's eyes awakened, shimmering under the cloudy sky.

Akari watched from afar, gazing at how giant Spectral Duke was. He was three times the size of Backlion at least, if not even more. Most notably, she saw that this Spectral Duke Dragon differed from the one she recognised.

Instead of gold armour, he had pitch black armour— signs of "Annihilation".

"I found you... finally."

Backlion collapsed into a hug with Spectral Duke. The large dragon put his arms around his human avatar, and nodded.

"To think you're still alive. I was sure Claret had gotten you."

Spectral Duke noticed how much stronger Backlion had become since they had last met—

It was when Backlion was still apart of the Claret faction, did he reunite with his avatar. Spectral Duke had been taken in as a prisoner, a war monger who supported the deceased "Diablo" faction as his "Vortimer" form.

Backlion pulled some strings in the background to persuade Claret to free Vortimer and induct him to the Claret faction. Shortly after, Vortimer was forcibly turned into Spectral Duke, who had mutated to Spectral Duke Annihilation during the events of the Void's plan.

Free from his prison, Backlion tasked Spectral Duke to be his back-up spy. Slowly, together, they worked on defeating Claret on the inside.

During the battle of Maganicalla, Spectral Duke was tasked to look over the United Sanctuary, hence his lack of presence. Since Claret has taken over the state, Spectral Duke has decided to remain appointed to the army; despite adopting a neutral stance.

In a world where strength prevails over everything, Spectral Duke was unmatched. He was one of the best, and one of the strongest. Even Claret had acknowledged Spectral's power once.

But, unlike Amaterasu who was brainwashed to follow the law of Claret, Spectral Duke simply went along with everything, never speaking up. Rebellion was a mere pipe dream at his current state, so he kept quiet.

Obedience. Trust. Loyalty. The three traits that have let Spectral live so long on this barren wasteland once known as "Cray".

Now that Spectral, Backlion and Akari had access to each other, that they stood even a chance against the man who ruled all.

Kill the king. Free Cray.


The heart of the United Sanctuary. A symbol of the society Helheim created with his own strength.

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