Author's Note

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Hi hi, it's Cookie~!

The co-author for this book.

The co role has been an honour, working with Fox was really enjoyable. I'm happy to see Re:Isekai to grow to the book I visioned it to be.

I would like to thank everyone that supports it til its every end. Hopefully the support will continue from everyone!


Ah, I missed my target by a long shot. I was going to finish this book by the end of the summer, yet somehow it's done after Area 51 got raided. It turns out I'm actually a pretty lazy writer.

If you couldn't guess by that self-deprecating statement, it's me, Fox, that's speaking.

For me, my words are short and sweet for you guys— thank you. After all, we've finally managed to finish another magnificent entry to the CCEU, and you read through all of it even though it's not some of my best work. I'll continue striving and fighting to on day create the most perfect book imaginable.

But for now, enjoy this book that contains the wet dreams of me and Claret. As some of you may know, I'm a massive Claret fan, so when I got the chance to make him a near god-mode badass, I took that chance super easily.

Okay, now, for a few words on this book. I have a lot on my mind regarding this, but I'll try to cohesively put my thoughts together.

Firstly, big thank you to Little_Cute_Cookie for letting me take her sequel and do a lot with it. The final two chapters were all done by me without her input, and I really do appreciate the level of trust you've given me for the book that follows your main story.

Secondly, for this book, I really was aiming for a light novel power fantasy type of style. I know I probably missed a few marks, but in the beginning it was really enjoyable churning fight after fight after fight... but over time it became an excessive overkill which I hated. It really damaged my want to write, hence why after awhile the book went silent.

I really did want to finish it before summer ended, but other things got in the way. But at least it's done now.

Thirdly, I think Re:Isekai has really opened my eyes on how much of a burden writing can be... so many great ideas and so many things I want to write, yet the lack of time or motivation really kills it. I thought that at the very least I'd be mature enough to handle the book because I was on a hiatus for Z World, but that obviously returned and...

Well, it's no The Forbidden Chains at least. I managed to stick and finish the goal. I'm proud of that, if nothing else.

Re:Isekai is also the starting point on how drastically my writing style also changed as well, I feel. Whether it was for better or for worse, I'll never know. But I'll continue recklessly charging forward while gaining new skills along the way.

Finally, that ending was a bit out of nowhere, I know. But damn it, I wanted my C4 OVA, and if Shida wasn't going to do it, I was gonna do it myself!

If you are confused on what happened after, just ask and I'll give a basic explanation. Though, it's pretty simple to understand. Everything went back to normal, so a peaceful resolution. Claret's army went poof and Cray went back to it's original status.

But we can't forget about one very important plot thread. While Cray's turmoil has been resolved, and that Claret's reign was met to a climatic end... Backlion and Akari are still stuck in Cray.

That's because their story is to be continued in "Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z World"!

Starting from #57 onwards, Backlion's and Akari's fates will be revealed! Please check it out, and don't miss what's in store!

Once again, thanks for checking out this stint. For the last time in this book...

That's all, Fox out!

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