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Ever since Cray was freed from Helheim, everything had been returned back to normal

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Ever since Cray was freed from Helheim, everything had been returned back to normal. It seemed as if everything was finally okay.

It took some time, but the status quo of Cray was regained, and new leaders were appointed.

As the world around them evolved even more, Backlion and Akari had to change alongside it. Together, they supported each other and continued their treacherous journey on finding a way home.

But forget all about that. You don't need an exposition dump to get the idea of how Cray went back to normal, or to know that Backlion and Akari are still trying to go back to Earth. What you need is a C4 OVA.

That's right. After time longer than what it takes Cookie to update Shadows, I, Ryuzaki Mikazuchi, and the rest of us at C4 are coming back with a banger! Get your headbands on, get your speakers ready, and get a new pair of panties ladies, cuz I'm about to rock this world the only way I know how to—

Break all the walls.

After getting severely cucked of screen time, due to two European idiots, I'm getting my revenge. Now, now, before you start bombarding me with questions, let me answer them.

Why is this happening in Re:Isekai? Fox is a bad writer and didn't plan an ending. Plus, I'm hijacking Fuckface's story. Special fuck you to Claret for being one of the worst antagonists in the entire CCEU, you can take your supremacy and shove it up your ass.

Why is this being written by Fox? Shida's a lazy writer. Fox begged him for a new OVA, and two of my special OVAs got scraped mid-production. Well guess what? The Mikazuchi is back stronger than ever. Suck my time rewinding god-modding Zodiac Time Beast nutsack.

Why do you sound different? It's Fox. He doesn't have that same charm Shida gives me. Fuck you Fox, for making Yozora hate me. Now I can't make Japanese Justin Bieber memes anymore.

It was like any other day. We left to go to America and hijacked a truck. Of course, Maverick was in charge of driving, and Payic and Iku were at the back minding their own business. Payic was having an existential crisis over her breasts, and Inu was lying on the floor like the good dog he was.

"Ryuzaki, what we gonna do this time?" Maverick said.

"Check it."

Being the well-prepared man I am, I took out the Rod of Plot Development and began rubbing that bitch. Payic was groaning. Despite the hell we put her through, she still loves me. Go me.

"Please be normal please be normal please be normal..."

Oh Iku, you know this is a C4 OVA. Normal doesn't work here.

By the way. As a side note, this OVA happens somewhere during Z World. Before Gyze comes to shit all over us. Yeah, that was the peak of my career, no doubt.

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