12. Could This Be Fate?

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Beam waited until he couldn't see Forth and his friends anymore before he began rushing back to find Phana and Kit. He was so busy rushing that he bumped into a girl, almost knocking her plate over.

"Ayyyee!" She screeched, trying to steady the food that was about to slide off her plate and onto the floor.

"Sorry!" Beam hollered, barely looking back at the girl. He had to find his friends now. Forth had just asked him to out. He wasn't dreaming just now, was he?

Beam slowed down and began to look around. Where the heck were they sitting?

"Ai'Beam! Over here." He heard Kit's voice call out to him. He rushed over and plopped down excitedly.

"Are you okay?" Phana asked him, eyeing him up and down. "What's got your panties in a bunch?"

"Hejustaskedmeout." Beam blurted in a rush. He was so excited he was breathing heavily.

"Huh??" Both Phana and Kit said in unison.

"He...I...I gave him...papers. Date! No friends, and I-"

"Whoah, woah, woah. Beam. Slow down, will you. Take some deep breaths or something." Phana held his hand out to steady him.

Beam closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Now, what happened?" Kit asked slowly.

"Forth just asked me out." Beam finally said clearly.

"HE DID WHAT!" Kit exclaimed. Even Phana, who had just taken a sip of his bubble tea, began to choke, causing some of his drink to spill down his chin.

Beam jumped at Phana's sudden coughing attack and reached over to hand him some of the napkins that were already on the table. Kit gave Phana a few pats on the back to try and help soothe his choking, but he was more interested in what Beam had just said.

"What did you just say?" Kit asked again.

"Who asked you out?" Phana choked out. His voice was raspy due to all the coughing.

"Forth." Beam looked at them wide eyed.

Kit and Phana quickly exchanged looks of surprise.

"Like on a date??" Kit's voice went up a few octaves.

"Well...I thought he wanted me to hang out with him and his friends. But as soon as he asked me, all his friends backed out..."

Kit narrowed his eyes and he and Phana exchanged looks again.

"Could you explain how it happened?" Phana asked him.

Beam took another deep breath. "I went over to give him the notes from Ming. He was sitting with all his friends. Then I handed him the notes, told him they were from Ming, and was going to walk away. It was so awkward because all his friends were just staring at me.

But when I walked away, one of his friends called me back and said Forth had something to tell me. Then that's when he asked me was I free tomorrow. When I asked where they were all going, that's when they all backed out and said they had plans already. Except Forth."

Phana and Kit sat in silence, just staring at him. Beam looked from one friend to the other.

"Well, don't just sit there, say something!" Beam said loudly. He really wanted to know their thoughts.

"That's the biggest set-up I've ever heard of in my life." Kit said flatly, still looking at Beam. The corners of his mouth began to turn up into a smile. "You were set up. Forth likes Beam!"

"Ai'Kit. Quite down." Phana gave Kit a light shove then turned back to Beam.

"What do you mean I was set up?" Beam blinked in confusion.

"He means that Forth was never inviting you to hang with him and his friends. They made it look that way for you to accept his offer. Which, I'm assuming you did. So his friends came up with imaginary plans so it can end up only being you and Forth hanging out. Just like a date." Phana explained patiently.

Beam looked off as the wheels turned in his head. If Forth never planned on hanging with his friends...

"Then...that means..." Beam trailed off.

"It means he likes you!" Kit said loudly again. "I can't believe it. All this time you've been secretly in love with him and he likes you back. This is your chance, Ai'Beam. Don't be like Phana with Nong Yo."

Phana shoved Kit again; harder this time, while giving a stern glare.

"You don't think he likes me back, Ai'Pha?" Beam asked. Phana could hear the sadness already creeping into Beam's voice.

"It's not that. I'm just...curious. I didn't know Forth could even like people." Phana said thoughtfully as he looked off at nothing in particular.

"He is rather cold, isn't he." Kit chimed back in.

"To be clear, did you accept?" Phana turned back to Beam.

Beam looked from one friend to the other then began to nod his head.

"You did...?" Kit asked slowly.

Beam nodded again.

Silence took over the table as Kit and Phana looked at each other for the last time. And suddenly they were both smiling and both broke out into song.

"Beam and Forth, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes loooovvee, then comes marriage..."

"Come on guys, shut up!" Beam reached out to grab at Phana but Phana dodged out the way. He reached for Kit instead but Kit grabbed his plate of food and jumped out the way too.

"Then comes the baby in the baby carriage!" They finished.

"I said, shut up!"

He made another grab at Kit who was now shoveling rice into his mouth as he teased and taunted Beam, darting around the table, out of his reach.

"Don't be so fussy, Ai'Beam. We'll be sure to attend the wedding." Phana laughed and Beam turned to go after him, forgetting about Kit. Phana grabbed his bag and sprinted around the table, following Kit.

"You prick!" Beam hollered out as they darted back and forth around the tables. Kit set his plate down, snatched up his bag and sprinted out the canteen with Phana by his side and Beam not too far in step behind them.

Just By Chanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن