17. Jealous

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Forth sat in his class staring out the window. His notebook page was completely blank and he had no idea what his professor was talking about at the front of the classroom. He and Beam had eaten lunch together the day before and Forth just couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't stop thinking about how much closer he felt to Beam and how his desire of wanting to see him was increasing more and more.

He pulled out his phone to check it. No messages from Beam.

He wanted to go to lunch with him again but Beam had a full day of classes and skipped lunch for today. Even though it hadn't been that long, Forth had become familiar with Beam's class schedule; so he knew that today Beam would have a twenty-minute break between his afternoon classes. If Forth could get over to the school of medicine quickly enough, he thought that maybe he could catch him before his next class.

Forth honestly didn't know why he was so eager to see Beam again. He saw him yesterday, and it's not like they didn't practically live right next door to each other. Only a few rooms away from each other, Forth could honestly see Beam whenever he wanted.

"Alright, class. That's it for today. I'll be posting the powerpoint online..." Forth didn't stick around to hear the rest. He was out the door before anyone else could even close their notebooks properly.

Lek and Oat watched in shock at how quickly their friend exited the classroom. Especially since they normally always walked together.

"Hurry up!" Oat hissed at Lek. "I'm gonna catch him." He said as he darted out the room after Forth. Lek, being the only student in class that used plain paper instead of a notebook to take notes, shoved his loose papers sloppily into his bag then ran out the room after Oat.

"Forth! Wait up...hey Forth!" Oat called out to him. But Forth was on a mission and didn't hear him. Oat had to put on a small burst of speed as he maneuvered through students to catch up to him.

"Forth!" He grabbed his shoulder.

"Oh, hi Oat." He seemed a bit surprised that someone was there. "What's up?"

"Why'd you rush off like that? We always walk together."

At that moment, Lek came running up to them, huffing slightly. "Jeez, you guys walk fast." He breathed. "Why such a hurry?"

"Sorry. I'm trying to catch someone." Forth said quickly before turning and speed walking again.

Oat and Lek exchanged looks then darted after him.

"Is it really that urgent?" Oat asked. He was struggling to keep up with him.

"Go back to the dorm, Oat. I'll catch up with you guys later." Forth rounded a corner without slowing down. Oat had to jump out the way of someone that had rounded the corner at the same time they did. Lek, on the other hand, wasn't as quick and ran smack into them.

"I am so sorry." He waiied at the person then continued after his friends.

"Why are you being so secretive?" Oat asked as he skipped to keep up with Forth's long strides.

"I'm not. I just have something to do."

Forth had one thing on his mind only and that was to try and see Beam before his next class. He could always wait until tonight to see him but for some reason, he just couldn't wait. Tonight was too far away.

They rounded another corner and Forth stopped in his tracks as he looked out at the tables of students. They had just arrived at the faculty of medicine. There were many tables outside on this side of the building, and students were sitting in groups either talking and relaxing between classes, or they were studying. Forth spotted Beam almost instantly.

Just By ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon