20. Cupid's Arrow

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It had been a few days since the night Beam got drunk and basically threw himself at Forth and he had been desperately trying to avoid Forth at all costs ever since. The shame of it all burned him on the inside every time he thought about it. He didn't remember the things he said to Forth at the club when the alcohol had been its strongest, but he remembered everything that took place in his room crystal clear.

He began waking up early to catch the shuttle bus to his classes instead of walking; he stopped going to the canteen that he always saw Forth and his friends at (this took a lot of persuading to get Kit and Phana to start going to the farther canteen); and once he was in his dorm room, he refused to come out for fear of running into Forth.

Earlier today while eating at the other canteen, Phana finally spoke up.

"I know what you're doing, Beam. You can't avoid him forever." He said in his fatherly tone he was so good at using.

"What happened that night anyway?" Kit asked.

"Nothing. It's just embarrassing that he had to be the one to take me home when I was so sloppy and drunk. Where were you guys anyway?? You're supposed to be my friends." There was no way Beam was going to tell them what really happened. But he really was confused as to how Forth ended up being the one to take him home and not Phana or Kit.

"I left you in Kit's care before you were ever drunk. That was obviously a mistake." Phana cut his eyes over to Kit who looked embarrassed.

"I'm sorry! I went to go check on someone and it took longer than expected. When I came back, Beam was gone."

"Someone? You left me for Ming. I remember that much." Beam said flatly. He pushed his plate of food away, laying his head down on the table.

"And you ended up taking him home too." Phana added. Both boys looked at Kit. He looked back at his friends and could clearly see their disapproval. Ever since they were freshman in high school they had this unspoken code with each other. It was a part of why they were all so close. They looked out for each other like brothers and no one was supposed to get in the way of that.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? Beam was okay with me going to go check on him." He said to Phana.

"I was distraught! You really believed me?"

Kit threw his hands up in exasperation. "As if I'm a mind reader, Ai'Beam! And there was no way I could handle two people who are drunk out of their minds."

Beam opened his mouth up to yell back but Phana put his hands up, silencing them. "It's over now. No use arguing about it."

Kit crossed his arms and turned away, fuming. Beam did the same. Beam really did feel irritated at Kit. Even though it wasn't his fault, had Kit been the one to take him home, the whole thing with Forth never would have happened and he wouldn't be trying to avoid him right now.

"I was meeting one of my line seniors when one of Forth's friends found me and told me you were wasted and Forth was trying to get you home. When I walked outside, you guys were already gone."

Phana turned to Beam who said nothing.

"And I called you three times. How many times do I have to tell you to keep your phone charged up before going out?" Phana scolded.

Beam poked his lip out in a pout. "Alright, alright...sheesh. You're such a mom."

The three of them were silent for a while until Kit spoke again. "I don't think you should be so embarrassed, Beam. Forth has been drunk before, and have you seen his friends when they go out?? Especially that scrawny one with the glasses. I'm pretty sure they are worse than you."

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