Special Chapter (Oat & Chris)

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Chris opened the door to his apartment and let Oat walk in first. Oat had been unusually quiet the entire walk home. For the first time, he truly understood that he had gone too far and Forth was serious this time: he was done with Oat. Oat took off his shoes and slumped his way into the room.

"Why did he have to get so mad?" Oat finally said. "We were only playing with him. How was I to know that he would actually ask the guy out?"

"It's all you ever pester him to do, Oat. You're aggressive and annoying." Chris said in his low, calm voice.

Chris took off his shoes too and slid his feet into the slides he usually wore around the house. He took off his engineering jersey to reveal a plain white shirt that sat too tight on his large muscles.

"Jeez, Chris. Put it away." Oat sulked, looking at Chris's arms. Chris turned around to see Oat staring at him. Instead of putting his jersey back on, he flexed his muscles and began to move his pectoral muscles. Oat scoffed and looked away while Chris laughed.

Oat went right back to complaining about Forth while he took a seat on the floor at Chris's table that they usually studied at. Chris began taking his books and notes out of his bookbag as Oat complained.

"I can't believe he told me to stay out of his life! I was his first friend at this university and this is the thanks that I get!"

"Take your notes out, Oat."

Oat took his notes out without ever missing a beat in his complaints.

"I'm simply trying to do him a favor by finding him a companion and trying to get him to have some fun and look what happens. He blows up in my face!"

"Oat." Chris spoke in his louder, stern voice, shutting Oat up instantly. "Did you ever stop to think that Forth does not want your help in 'finding a companion'?" He asked.

"But that's what friends are for-"

"No, Oat." Chris cut him off. "You cross too many boundries. And you really need to learn how to take social cues. Pay attention to your friends. Look at their body language. Look at their eyes and hand gestures. People speak that way too, you know."

Oat looked confused as Chris walked over and sat next to him on the floor in front of the couch.

"It's your own fault that Forth is mad at you. You need to learn that 'no' means exactly that. It means no. If someone is discreeetly telling you to shut up, then do it. Shut up. Stop talking. That entire situation was embarrassing so I really feel for Forth. Granted, no one forced him to actually do it, but you have to admit, we put a lot of pressure on him. We were embarrassing him before he ever even asked."

"I was embarrassed too! I almost dropped all the drinks. He shoved me right there in the middle of the canteen." Oat slouched down with his back against the couch.

"To be honest, if it were me, I would have wanted to hit you too." Chris said in a matter of fact tone as he set his books and notes on the table.

"Wha-?" Oat looked shocked as he pushed up his large, black rimmed glasses. "Then...why did you protect me?"

Chris looked up from the textbook he had opened next to his notes.

"On the roof. He was about to hit me. Why did you protect me if you wanted to hit me too?" Oat asked.

"I ask myself that question too." He shook his head. "You really are oblivious."

Oat stared at him.

"You suck at spotting social cues. You can't take a hint for the life of you. You can't even see the things that are right there in your face! Read. Between. The lines. Oat. Life will be so much easier for you if you do."

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