Chapter 2

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Warning did not stop young Dracula,

Nase Dracula wandered through dense woods, fog poured out of nowhere around the ground, covering the forest floor white making one unable to see where they were walking. He peered at the small map that his dead uncle, killed by his own hand, brought to him in good faith. His heart lunged in his chest, it was out of impulse, he felt remorse. His dad would be proud he killed without a second thought, being a Draclua and all, but when he would figure out he was having regrets; he would be punished.

He pushed the thoughts running through his head away, he needs to pay attention to the task at hand. Rumplestilskin. The Dark One. The Beast. Rumple had many names, they vary from each story. Many would believe he only has one storybook. That is a lie. He has touched about every story, each had him play a part, he was Cinderella's godmother, Captain Hook ́s crocodile, and Belle's beast. The Dark One is Nase ́s only chance to get his father back, the only figure who truly wanted to stay with him. His mother died smiling, she was happy that she did not want to stay with him. The child she gave birth to was the child she did not want. He never understood that until a year after her death to a fairytale plague.

As time passed minute by minute, He passed trees that looked alike, never changing until he carried himself over a small hill with roots sticking out like arms reaching towards the open sky.

Out in the distant he could the the stone castle belonging to the man who could accomplish everything he longed for in a snap. The ruined building was still standing tall. Dead vines, a colorless brown wrapped around the stone bricks in uneven patterns. It seemed to be the only thing decorating the huge building.

Nase made his way hastily not wanting to wait much more. He was also being careful, why would a person just waltz into Rumplestiltskin's home. They would either die from a trap that he sat up for a laugh.

He peered the piece of paper once more, it showed a small area towards the back left of the old building, there was a small brick different than the rest. When one applied pressure to it it would click back and open a small slanted door would open to a hall that would lead the main dining room.

As he made his way towards his designated spot, the door opened without him touching the trigger.

Nase backed up in shock, who else is here?

He looked back and forth to check if anyone was spying on him. He looked towards the pathway again into the palace.


Nase wandered to the dining room already feeling a presence of someone else. He wondered who it could be. A enemy? A friend? A prisoner? He pushed it past his mind when he heard a high pitch laugh.

"I have been waiting."

Nase turned his head around quickly, eyeing the man sitting in a cushioned chair with food sprayed out on long wooden table. He was flicking his hands in the air like he was conducting a band.

"Aww, Dracula's son," he began moving a chair next to him magically. It screeched against the hardwood floor leaving just a few scratches on the floor. "I have been waiting, I just knew you would come to me for help." He laughed picking up a grape and putting it in his mouth.

Nase walked to the chair but did not sit in the chair. He sat his hands on top of the rim of the designed wooden chair. He wanted to be ready in case Rumplestiltskin might try something. His voice seemed to be lost in his throat. The best guess he could come up with is because he has not been drinking human blood like he was suppose to but animal blood.

He managed to get a few words out at the smiling sociopath. "I want my father alive," he stated with a whispering voice. It sounded like a squirrel yelling at an acorn for not breaking.

Rumple immediately stood up with gleeful expression on his nasty face. His greenish brown skin cracked with wrinkles for smiling a bit to much. "Good," he crackled in a loud laugh. "You have to do something for me first."

"Good," Nase said in wonder," did you know I was coming here?"

"Of course I know everything that goes down in our little fairytale land."

Nase just looked at his feet, boots muddy from walking in the forest to get here. The damed man already knew he was coming. But how? That is a question everyone had asked at least once when meeting the man in every story.

"All you have to do is kill a immortal lost boy."

"Who is that?"

"Peter pan."

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