Chapter 7

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The games, the lost boys cheer about, were nothing like a child's game. It was more of a battlefield than a playground. Boys with weapons, not afraid to beat or kill the other boy just to be able to win.

They did it for honor, they did it for Pan, and they did it for fun.

Nothing was sane about this Nase thought with a groan, running through the forest. Boys going in all other direction with hollers of war cries.

They hold sticks and bows in their arms, ready and armed.

The game they are playing is last man standing.

You can get out by yielding to your opponent or death.

Nase made his way towards a cliff, located near mermaid lagoon, he knew of the stories there, the beautiful mermaids who are secretly devilish and want to drown you any chance they get.

Felix ended up following his, his arms awkwardly holding a sharp stick, one of the older lost boys had handed to him for the games, his face painted with greens and browns, like he was going to blend in. He was wearing a bright blue shirt. He did not seem to be right for the games.

He smiled at Felix before ducking behind a bush to hide and listen closely to the other boys steps and even their breathing. As long as they are not dead he will not be able to scope them out with his senses.

His eyes darted to the sky to see and arrow coming towards them, he pushed Felix out of the way, the arrow landing between in the dirt, creating a little hole.

The unnamed boy that shot the arrow was already coming closer like a small arrogant predator, thinking the new kids were easy prey.

That made Nase's blood boil, he is very competitive but he plays fair unlike the lost boys who like the rule survival of the fittest.

The irony in fairy tales to be bright but really are dark and twisted, know one really knows who creates their fairy tales like this. Making them evil or good, happy or sad, dark or light, it probably depends on the authors mood when writing the books children love to read about.

Only if they could live them they would truly know what it's like to be in a fairy tale.

As the unnamed boy lunged at Nase, he ducked and rolled, dirt flying while leaves crunched under his weight. He stood up as the boy turned back around, they ended up in a brawling position. The boy stronger than his lanky arms looked.

Felix just stayed behind, watching intently, like it was a show, he probably thinking he could learn something by watching people go at it.

Nase ended up hooking his arms below the boy's armpits, picking him up by arching his back backwards, he flung the boy with his strength, he went with the boy, pinning his down with his elbow, a superior smile appearing in his face.

"Yield," he stated with authority.

The boy spat on his face, smirking at Nase like he was the about to be the victor of the match.

Nase eyes narrowed, as he felt the saliva hit him, disgusting he growled, picking up the boy with no trouble and flinging off the the cliff, right into the mermaids lagoon.

Let us see how the mermaids feel about the kid, his eyes shown disgust as he noticed Felix hand him a dirty rag.

He must of brought it with him, when he came to Neverland.

Grabbing the rag with a slight improvement in his mood, he wiped his face. It was probably still dirty but at least he had the humans DNA off of him.

"Let's go somewhere else Felix, other people must of heard the commotion, and should be coming here any minute," he spoke, turning towards the east side of the entrance to the forest, he could already here all the foot steps coming towards them.

Felix did not seem against so he decided to work with the boy.

Felix nodded, "ok."

He followed after Nase, closely, he believed that Nase knew what he was doing. Following him into the forest like it was nothing. Doubt did not reach his consciousness as his feet crushed twigs and leaves.

As Nase and Felix made there way towards the forest dodging flying sticks, while trying not to get into fights with the other boys, it was inevitable at point at time, boys came flying at Felix, knocking him down with no mercy.

At one time a group of boys came hollering like no tomorrow, they must of created a alliance, Felix being a smooth talking ended up talking them into fighting each other.

Nase was proud, and surprised at the boys skill, he seemed physically weak but he was mentally strong. He was going to be a good leader someday, as long as he does not fall in the wrong crowd.

To late for that, but that is not Nase business, he needs to finish this task quickly, he never was one to say this but playing dewars games with other boys sucks. He would rather be staked in the heart than spend another minute on this game.

He finally relaxed, when he learned there were only a few boys left. The rest either at camp mad, or dead. Especially that nasty human thrown to the mermaids, they would pry find the body later in the week unless the mermaids decided to eat him.

Nase and Felix were the only ones left in the game, Nase actually never thought this through, if him and Felix were the ones left.

"Felix punch me."

Felix physically flinched, staring at Nase confused, "why would you ask me to punch me? That just wrong, I mean were partners right?"

"We are the only ones left, punch me so I can say I yield and you win. Remover it is survival of the fittest, not survival of the partners," Nase answered back logically.

"Ok," Felix stated before punching Nase as hard as he could.

Nase being Nase, felt that Felix should practice of arm strength before raising his arms in surrender, "I yield."

Felix being named the last boy standing, green sparkles of fireworks erupted through the sky, signally the ending of the game and stating someone had won the games.

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