B2: Chapter 26 - Picking a Side - V

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  Jeremy got out on the curb in the middle of the city, a couple blocks away from the hotel where Maddie and Rachel were sequestered. He waited long enough to be sure Julian wasn't sticking around to follow him (though he put such subterfuge beyond the cheery man), then headed straight for the hotel lobby and right up to the reception desk.

  "Excuse me," he prompted.

  The handsome man sitting behind the counter looked up, shocked back to full awareness. Jeremy couldn't fault him too much, given the hour. Besides, in that suit and well-trimmed beard... If I wasn't so fuckin' tired and in a hurry... "Hi! How can I help you?"

  "I need to get to my room and I lost my card."

  "Okay... What's the room number?"

  "...I don't remember." And I don't have my phone to ask her, either. Fuckin' hell.

  "What name is it under?"

  "Ashe, probably. A-S-H-E."

  "Can I see some identification?"

  Screw it. Let's show off a bit. Jeremy pulled out his FBI envelope, with the full badge and details. "Jeremy Ashe, FBI."

  "Oh!" The guy turned to his computer and started typing very fast. "I... err, the room isn't registered to you, sir."

  "Yeah, it's under my sister Maddie. And I really don't want to wake her up, if you don't mind."

  "Well, sir, it's not exactly allowed..."

  Goddammit... competent employees. "Okay, call her then. I'd hold the phone a bit away from your ear though."

  One amusing angry rant and hurried apology from Maddie later, the receptionist was handing him a new key card. "Sorry about that," Jeremy added. "Guy like you doesn't deserve that, just doin' your job right. Keep up the good work."

  "Thank you, sir."

  Jeremy took the elevator up. It wasn't the nicest floor, but not the cheapest either. Plenty comfortable for Maddie and her guest, though of course Rachel wasn't listed on the system. Jeremy took a deep breath before he opened the door.

  Instantly, a pillow slammed into his face.

  "And another thing!" Maddie shouted.

  "Nice to see you too," Jeremy grumbled, closing the door behind him before they woke up the whole floor.

  A second later, the pillow was followed by Maddie herself, hugging him tight. "Where the fuck have you been all day? I thought you were dead!"

  "It's a long, long fuckin' story." Jeremy glanced around. "Rachel awake?"

  "She's always fucking awake," Maddie muttered.

  "It's not all it's cracked up to be," Rachel added, coming around the corner to the little entry hall, gazing over Maddie at him. "What happened?"

  "Well... Lani's gonna be pissed for one." Jeremy grimaced. "His car's probably totaled."

  "What did you do?"

  "More like what did Brian do."

  "Jesus," whispered Maddie. She sat down on one of the office chairs in the room. Jeremy followed her in, to find piles of papers scattered everywhere on the floor. They'd set up several cork boards hanging from the walls with tons of sticky notes, pinned papers and more notes. Multiple laptops on each desk had more information. "You were attacked?"

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