Chapter 4 : A confession?

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Tanjiro's POV

I'm walking towards the school, while enjoying the warm spring air. It's now my second day of school and I feel like I'm already starting to get used to the new school. I instinctavily glance over to my right to look at Nezuko, but I quickly realize that she's not here.

Before I panick I remember, Oh... right she was talking with a friend earlier. Since I didn't want to bother her and her possible new friend, I told her that I would go ahead, and she can walk the rest of the way to class with her friend.

I'm really proud of her, she has already made some new friends, I should try and get to know someone new too. I was too fixated on the blonde boy yesterday so I didn't really get to know anyone, except the principal maybe? Not that I even wanted to get to know her...

As I get closer to the shoelockers I notice a light silhouette lurking around my locker. Intrigued I stop walking to try and look closely at the silhouette. I can see that it's definently a person, but who exactly? I wonder, as I start to walk closer, I notice light blonde hair, it's the blonde boy from yesterday!

"Agatsuma-san. " I say quietly under my breath, as I excitedly start to walk faster.

I want to go and greet him, since I basically ignored him yesterday which... was rude of me, But! Now I have an another opportunity to get to know him! I open my mouth to call out to him but immedietly close it. I notice that as I get closer a specific scent gets stronger.

I can smell a strong scent nervousness, especially around the boy.

Why? I wonder confused. What is he doing? What could make him feel this much anxiety? I now curiously look closer to try and make out what he's doing. Since I'm still quite far away I decide to slowly sneak closer to him.

I go behind another shoelocker and from there I secretly watch what he's doing. I try to control my breathing, because I don't him to notice me, by putting my hand in front of my mouth. I'm also trying to move as quietly as I can. I hope I'm not making too much noice, If he were to catch me, it would be really awkward... I peek my head from behind the locker to try and take a better look at what exactly he's doing.

At first I thought that he was standing in front of my locker, but he seems to actually be standing in front of Nezukos locker. Since our lockers are right next to each other.

I curiously continue to, I guess... stalk him? I pause my thinking for a minute. T-that makes me seem like a creepy guy though... I ignore my thoughts and continue to, I quietly sigh, I guess... " Stalk " the boy.

Now that I'm seeing him up close, He seems really fidgety and nervous. He keeps swaying back and forth in front of the locker. What is he so nervous for? I wonder curiously. I can still smell the strong scent of nervousness and anxiety around him.

As I keep watching him, I can see that he's holding something. I stare at the object that the boy's holding, trying to make out what it is.

 I stare at the object that the boy's holding, trying to make out what it is

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School life (KNY Zenitsu x Tanjiro) *on going*Where stories live. Discover now