9- interviews

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

The interviews came around pretty quick and before I knew it Florence was all over me.

Finnick and I had stuck by each other's side all day, knowing that it may not last much longer as soon as we enter the arena. We didn't say much— we didn't need to. We could pretty much feel one another's emotions clearly. The sadness, the anger, the pain. We both felt it as every minute passed, slowly bringing down the time we had together before we walked into our deaths— not that I'd even allow Finnick's to happen. Not if I can prevent it.

I'm glad that I didn't have to go under intensive treatment from Florence for the interviews. All she did was apply a light layer of makeup, fixed my hair and gave me a white and light blue dress to wear. I'm so grateful she didn't go over the top, especially on the night before the games.

Once she's done I'm guided to the large Captiol hall where the interviews will be held. I'm taken backstage quickly by Peacekeepers to limit the attention from fans. I haven't seen Finnick yet.

My eyes scan the area when they fall on Katniss. Her outfit being that of a very feathery and blinding white dress. It's a little extreme for an event like this, but I don't say that.

"A wedding dress? Really?" Johanna comes up behind me, looking at Katniss in an unknown emotion.

"Snow made me wear it," Katniss informs us bluntly, obviously not liking the demand whatsoever. The disgust is clear on her face as she smooths part of the dress down.

"Make him pay for it." Johanna smirks, turning away when Katniss nods.

"Rumours circled that you went full out with the private session," the District 12 victor speaks, walking up to me.

"You could say that," I laugh coldly.

"Looks like we had roughly the same idea. I hung Seneca Crane from the ceiling."

I didn't know she did that, so when she tells me a laugh lightly. I wasn't expecting it so that's what makes it funny.

"Great minds think alike I guess." I shrug, Katniss nodding in agreement which is soon followed by a groan. I look at her weirdly.

"Great... I better go. I've already had enough of Odair lately."

That's when I turn to see Finnick approaching us with a smirk casted on his face. Typical.

"Yeah go," I chuckle, nodding and pushing her lightly before she walks away swiftly. Finnick makes his way over to me.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Finnick queries, looking in the direction where the Girl on Fire went.

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