17- clock

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

After determining that the arena is a clock we all begin making our way to the mouth of the Cornucopia.

"This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock. With a new threat every hour, but they stay only within their wedge. It all starts with the lightning, then the blood rain, fog, monkeys, that's the first four hours. At 10 that big wave hits from over there," Katniss begins saying. "Did anything happen when you woke up after the fog Aria?"

"No. I must've been in the monkey sector, but they were probably too focused on you guys." I shrug, looking between Katniss, Peeta and Finnick. Katniss nods.

"The tail points to twelve," Peeta says, pointing at the horn of the Cornucopia.

"That's where the lightning strikes at noon and midnight," I inform the group.

"Strikes where?" Beetee asks, trying to figure out where exactly it happens.

"That big tree," Katniss answers, her finger pointing towards the tree that towers over the whole arena.

"Good," Beetee mumbles to himself quietly.

I begin to look through the supplies in the mouth of the Cornucopia, inspecting the weapons that still lie on the countless racks. There are spears and knifes hanging from them, untouched. It seems to gain my attention as I grab a knife and slide it into my belt.

As soon as the knife is tucked in an extra sense of security blankets me. I have my spontoon, but having an extra weapon on hand is reassuring. Not sure why I didn't grab another weapon sooner.

After I check out the Cornucopia I head back to the main group, minus Wiress who's sitting on the rocks and rhyming.

"Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down. Hickory dickory dock," she repeats.

I can see why Johanna finds her irritating, because I can feel some annoyance creep up on me now as her rhymes ring in my head. I decide to zone out and focus on the situation at hand.

Peeta begins drawing in the sand. "So 12 to 1, lightning. Then 1 to 2 is blood. Then fog. And then monkeys."

"And then 10 to 11, the wave. What about everything else? Did you guys see anything?" Katniss questions, glancing towards Johanna.

"Nothing but blood," Johanna responds.

"I reckon as long as we steer clear of active sectors then we should remain safe. Still have to be aware of other tributes though." My mind floats to Brutus and automatically my grip tightens on my weapon. All I want is his head at the end of my metal spikes.

"Yeah, agreed," Finnick says, digging the bottom of his trident into the ground. I stand closer to him, feeling a sudden sense of unease overwhelm me. He notices the action and my uncertainty, but before he can question it we hear a loud gasp.

My eyes lock on Gloss who has just dislodged his knife from Wiress' neck, killing her instantly.


My arm swings up immediately, spontoon aimed right at Gloss, but before I can do anything an arrow pierces his heart. It's undoubtedly Katniss.

I can't feel Finnick's presence beside me, so fear and panic begins to spike. Suddenly battle cries ring out from behind, causing me to turn and almost break my neck at the speed. I come eye to eye with Cashmere who rushes in my direction, eyes narrowed in determination and vengeance. I have almost no time to prepare before she slams into me, barely missing my abdomen with her weapon.

I stumble slightly, but quickly stabilise myself before retaliating. I smack her in the stomach with the handle of my spontoon, causing her to bend over, gagging. I'm not fast enough to deliver the final blow when Johanna's axe catches in Cashmere's back, rendering her dead immediately.


I don't have much time to slack off when grunts echo around the arena. Two more players have come to join the fight and there's no doubt that it's the rest of the Careers.

Enobaria appears from behind the side of the Cornucopia, charging towards Finnick who I finally spot a few metres away from me. They begin combat, Finnick deflecting her hits with his trident. He cries out, when she stabs him in the thigh with her knife.

The sound of his cry causes my heart to ache. It just hits me right where it hurts most and it honestly feels as though I've been stabbed myself. Him in pain renders me in pain. I just can't handle hearing him in agony that my eyes begin to water slightly and makes me freeze on the spot.

Finnick swings his trident, catching Enobaria's arm and tearing flesh from bone. She screams out before retreating from the Cornucopia. Peeta goes to give chase, but Finnick, despite being injured, holds him back.

In the corner of my eye I notice movement and instantly I prepare for a fight, and it'll sure be one when I realise who it is.

My eyes lock for a split second with Brutus' and it's like an animal instinct ignites within me. A primal hunger eats at me as I stare him down. My teeth clench and my eyes narrow at my target before I lift off my leg and charge forward. He smirks before taking off around the Cornucopia. I'm too blinded by my urge to get Brutus than to realise it could be a trap. I hear Finnick scream no, but I can't help continue to charge at Brutus. I have been starved of this opportunity to end him for so long, and I'm not going to stop now.

My feet hit the rocks with loud thumps as I continue to pursue Brutus who is a few metres away from me. My mind is clouded, but I can still hear the desperate cries from Finnick behind me. My brain just won't comprehend it, so I just push myself harder after Brutus.

I mentally plot how I'm going to take him down, but I also plan for if he suddenly turns to face me. I can't be caught surprised if he suddenly spins with his weapon at my face.

I know that I won't go down easy, but the Gamemakers have a different idea when the ground suddenly jerks from beneath me.


I love cliffhangers, how about you?😂

These next upcoming chapters will be great! I absolutely loved writing them so I can't wait to publish them for you guys!

Hope you enjoyed!

Cheers x

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