25- district thirteen

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You didn't think I'd leave you hanging, did you?😉😉___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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You didn't think I'd leave you hanging, did you?😉😉
- Present Day -


White is all I see.

I don't think my eyes are open but everything just seems so bright and it's hurting my head.

My mind is reeling at what's going on and where I find myself. I'm confused and alert although not entirely sure whether I'm still in the arena. I can't seem to move, it's like my brain isn't sending a message to my arms, legs or eyes. I mentally groan when my body doesn't comply with my requests.

I'm stuck to the spot trying to remember how I got here. Am I dead or something? Where is Finnick?

Finnick! Is he alive?

More than ever do I want to be freed of this trance my body is locked in. Like why can't I just move already, I'm sure it isn't that hard! Why am I here anyway! And why is it so bloody bright!

My inner frustrations seem to have snapped me out of my daze. I'm blinded as soon as my eyes snap open, revealing a small hospital room and a burning scent of alcohol. I cringe, my nose wrinkling at how strong it is.

Then it all comes back to me; the arena, Brutus, Enobaria wounding me, Finnick begging me not to leave him... an explosion. What was the explosion before I blacked out?

The question is how am I not dead though? My flesh was sliced open with a sword, I bled a shit ton before passing out on the jungle floor with no sign of getting medical attention. Am I dreaming or something?

I look around at the tiled room, inspecting it with suspicious and careful eyes. There are countless machines in the room along with chairs too. I notice a closed door to my right and can hear a hum of chatter outside.

I attempt to sit up but immediately crash back down onto the pillows when I'm slapped with a surge of pain. I hiss loudly, gripping my side.

My body has finally registered the ordeal it went through back in the arena; from a cut to my calf by a mutt, being smashed against a tree by Brutus, hit in the ribs multiple times plus a huge slash running down my ribcage.

I lift up my thin hospital gown to reveal a large bandage hugging my side snugly, hiding Enobaria's dirty work underneath. I sneer unhappily, dropping the gown back down over my skin.

Momentarily I remain lying in the bed unsure of what to do next. What if I've been captured by Snow and am locked up in the Capitol? Because I tell you one thing; this definitely isn't District 4.

My thoughts are suddenly lured to the discomfort itching at my arms. I gag when I notice a tube is attached to one of them, whereas the other has a bandage on it for some reason. I can practically feel the tube inside of me. Scowling, I rip it clean from my arm and throw it away.

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