19- showdown

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

I feel the water cocooning me but my eyes refuse to open. I'm locked within a world of darkness. I try and try to break the invisible barrier but it's futile.

The current tosses me around like a doll, my body unable to move as it's glued in a paralysed state. I feel so helpless, so weak. I can't seem to force myself out of this.

It's ironic that I spent years of my life in the water yet it may very well be the thing that kills me. I wanted to go down saving the person I love, but I gave up that opportunity up as soon as I ran after Brutus.

I feel the guilt swell inside me as I'm battered around by the waves. I can't fight against them, and I certainly can't fight against the lack of oxygen funnelling down into my lungs.

Why did I have to go after Brutus? Why couldn't I stay by Finnick, especially after he was injured? I'm so stupid— so naive —to think I could take Brutus one on one. I would be overpowered and killed without even putting up a fight.

Finnick needs to come before that. He needs to come before my petty revenge for Brutus because he is way more meaningful and important than that. But I may not even get to say goodbye, seeing that I'm locked within a deadly duel with the water.

I'm begging for air now, my eyes watering at how much I really need it. I begin slamming myself with insults because of how much I deserve it and it's really all I can do right now.

You're such a fool Aria. Did you really believe that you were capable of protecting Finnick when you couldn't even protect yourself from your own demons? You're so pathetic, weak, you couldn't keep him alive even if you tried.

Suddenly I'm slapped awake, my limbs regenerating power as I receive a burst of adrenaline. I begin swimming against the currents with desperation. Exhaustion plays in the back of my head, taunting me, but I refuse to fall victim.

My legs and arms ache as I propel myself forward, my lungs filling with water now. I keep on pushing as much as the depths are willing me to give in. Once again I refuse.

I hit the sand, quickly hoisting my head above water. It's inevitable when I begin spluttering, my wretched gags ringing loudly throughout the whole arena. I breathe heavily although I still feel as though I'm being drowned with the water still inside me. After a few more moments of coughing I collapse onto the ground, heaving.

My whole body shakes against the sand, my hair stuck to my face as I suck in oxygen. I try to remain quiet, but I just can't. The ordeal my body went through has just worn me out drastically. I'm highly aware I'm vulnerable, but I cant move until I get my bearings. My mind is urging me to get up and find Finnick, but my legs won't comply whatsoever. I am stuck here until I can gain control.

I barely have time to think further before I feel a strong grip on my leg before beginning to be dragged. On instinct I struggle against the person before somehow lifting my head over my shoulder to see who has me. I meet the eyes of Brutus.

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