15- death's door

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

The situation the cocky victor is in isn't ideal, rather, it's life threatening.

Finnick is backed into a tree trunk, pinned against it by a huge mutt. His trident is the only thing that protects him from the vicious snapping of the monkey's powerful jaws. He holds it up, the weapon acting like a barrier between him and the mutt who is inches away from his face. He tries to shove it away, but he has no momentum to gain being against the trunk. He appears so drained physically, mentally and emotionally. I can tell he just wants to give in, to drop the trident and let the mutt— let President Snow —have their way.

Katniss and Peeta are too occupied with fighting off the mutts that are lunging at them left, right and centre. I'm aware I can't do any damage with the wooden branch in my hand, so I try to create a plan of my next move, but then I don't need to.

Out of the corner of my eyes I locate the familiar shimmer of my spontoon. It lays on the floor, untouched; calling me. I know I have to be sly and quick if I'm to reach it without being harmed and get to Finnick's aid.

I observe the movements of the monkeys for a couple heartbeats, waiting for a path to open. My eyes narrow on my weapon, bracing to sprint forward.

Not yet... not yet... now!

I spring from my hiding spot, feet digging into the ground as I run. My agility comes in handy as I leap over logs and rocks, dodging monkeys that launch their matted bodies at me with deafening growls. They fly right past my head, the sound of their fangs snapping against one another ringing in my ears.

I whip around trees before diving into the clearing, mentally praying that Katniss doesn't mistake me for a mutt. After a few moments nothing happens. I'm in the clear, no arrow whizzing towards me as my legs feel the warm water soaking the lower portion of my wetsuit.

I can practically feel the mutts breathing down my neck. Their warm outtakes of air send shivers down my spine with disgust.

I ditch the branch, throwing it over my shoulder. There's no mistaking that it collides with a monkey as a yelp sounds behind me. My spontoon lays a few steps away, just beyond my reach.

Come on, nearly there. Grab it then assist Finn-

The wind is knocked out of me as I'm pushed onto my side by a mutt. It stalks towards me threateningly as I try to gain my bearings. When I finally do I land a strong kick to its shoulder which disorients the abomination for a split second, giving me enough time to grasp my spontoon. The unnatural creature bares it's incisors before hurling itself at me, but I use the butt of my weapon to knock it in the face. It collapses to the floor, the force enough to crush its skull.

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