⊱⊰ 49: Reunion ⊱⊰

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Arisa slowly stood up. She didn't drop her gaze from the tall red armored figure standing by one of the giant trees surrounding the clearing. Even though he was standing a bit far from her area, Arisa could see that his armor wasn't brightening under the moonlight. She spotted scratches, grass and dirt spread all over his armor.

"Zen," said Arisa in disbelief.

Despite Taurus having told her that he wouldn't hurt her because Zen was around, Arisa didn't want to believe that Zen was with him. Part of her thought that the Bronze Guardian was bluffing so she could reveal herself in the crowd. Another part of her didn't want to see him so soon after what happened in the woods back in Lunara. She wasn't ready to face him again. She needed more time to forget that they were once good friends.

"What are you doing here?" Arisa walked a step backward.

She knew very well why he was there, yet her heart couldn't help but hope for another reason. She curled her fingers, she couldn't believe she still had hopes after what happened in Lunara.

"Isn't it obvious?" Zen walked a few steps forward, summoning his greatsword. "I'm here to finish what I started and this time I won't fail."

Zen dashed forward.


Sounds of two steel objects clashing sparked the air.

Arisa's hands trembled as she tightened her grip on her weapon. As she fought not to drop her blade, Arisa saw Zen's red helmet behind their swords. She wondered what kind of expression he hid behind that red helmet. Was it determination or was it the pain of fighting someone he had known for most of his life?

Arisa moved sideways as Zen attempted to strike her with a fire fist. She saw a chance to counter-attack but remained frozen as she couldn't find the courage to do so.

"Your gentleness will be your demise." Zen's blade met Arisa's again. "Can't you see that I want to kill you? Why won't protect yourself?"

Clanking sounds kept on breaking the atmosphere as Zen vigorously aimed his sword at his opponent. Arisa didn't break her defense, using her sword to block his attacks. As Zen attempted to use his fists and kicks, Arisa dodged his attacks by moving sideways or lowering her body. Every time she would find an opening to strike him, she would always freeze and for some reason, that angered her opponent even more.

A minute passed as Arisa focused on defending her opponent's attacks. Even when Zen would summon his element to attack her, Arisa would protect herself and hesitate to counterattack. As the cycle of attacks and defense went on, Arisa noticed that Zen wasn't targeting her vital areas. He was only mercilessly attacking her.

"Why won't you attack me?" Zen's sword met Arisa's blade again. "I'll always be a threat to you as long as I'm alive. You'll never reach your goal if you keep being this soft. You'll always be a disappointment as a chosen Guardian."

Upon hearing those words, Arisa deflected his sword. With instinct, she kicked the Red Guardian's gut with a leg covered with crimson flames. Zen touched his stomach, moving a step backward.

He chuckled. "Very good, Arisa. That's a good start."

A few seconds later, small cracks appeared in the Red Guardian's armor that disappeared with glowing dust. As the young man in black clothing slowly regained his pose, Arisa's heart skipped.

"Now's your chance," said Zen, his voice emotionless. "Kill me before you regret it."

Arisa gazed at him. She met his dark eyes that were partly hidden by his messy dark hair. He showed no expression as Arisa wondered why he was offering himself to kill instead of summoning his armor again and attack her. She took a deep breath and approached him.

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