⊱⊰ 59: The Siren's Call ⊱⊰

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"We're here to see you," said Arisa, lowering her weapon. "There's something you have to know."

Caris blinked her eyes a few times before she swam forward and wrapped her arms around Arisa.

"I'm so happy to see you," she said, her voice quiet. "I always wondered what happened to you after Enchantress summoned me. You were the only one left in that forest; I'm so glad that you survived the Guardians' threats."

Arisa gazed at the Oceanian, speechless. She locked her arms around her friend, happy to see her again. For a moment, whispers filled the silence as everyone wondered who were the people that dared to interfere with the execution and why they were being so friendly with the half breed that stole the prince's powers.

"What's going on?" asked an annoyed voice. "Guards, what are you doing? The traitor is still alive."

Arisa looked at her front and saw that the dark-haired prince with a silvery blue tail was slowly swimming towards them with an impatient expression spreading across his pale face. The guards apologized and readied their weapons upon hearing the prince's words.

Thelma, Kazuya, and Garoh joined Arisa, standing in front of Arielle, who still shielded her child with her arms and body.

"You'll have to pass through us first," threatened Thelma, summoning her bow.

The guards looked at them. They then pointed their weapons at them, confused. As the team prepared for battle, whispers from the crowd wondered who were those strange beings that dared to challenge the Royal Family.

"And who are you to dare to interfere with the crown's orders?" The prince glared at each of them, his brows touching. "You seem to be from the surface, which makes you nothing. Guards, you know what to do."

"No," protested Caris, dropping her arms from Arisa. "You can't do that. They're not from our world."

The prince smiled. "It doesn't matter. They're interfering with the crown, therefore we're allowed to kill them. Maré won't be in trouble because of these nobodies. Now come here and let the others do their job."

The prince quickly grabbed Caris' wrist and forced her to swim away from the area where the team was standing. Caris protested, telling the prince to let her go, that he was about to commit a big mistake. The prince didn't listen, still forcing her to swim further away from the spot.

As the prince distanced himself away from the area, the guards threatened an attack. Before the team could prepare themselves to face their opponents, a quick scream of pain stopped both parties. Everyone's gaze fell on the two beings standing not far from their area. Arisa's forehead wrinkled as she noticed that the prince was holding his right arm as if it was broken.

"You," said the prince, glaring at Caris, "what did you do?"

"I-I'm sorry," said Caris, timidly bowing to him. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I increased the pressure around your arm so you could let me go, bu-but it seems I still lack control of that ability. I apologize."

The prince didn't drop his threatening glare. "You think your mere words will fix my arm? How dare you use the powers that were supposed to be mine against me."

Chatter filled the atmosphere again as the prince threatened to harm Caris. The crowd then cheered, encouraging the prince to punish the half breed that dared to challenge him.

"Stop it, Atlas," said a soothing female voice.

Arisa didn't take long to spot the pale mermaid with short white hair and tail, holding her golden stick that had coral details. The King swam alongside her, patting his son's back.

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