⊱⊰ 57: Regrets ⊱⊰

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"We're visitors from other worlds." Kazuya broke the short silence.

The mermaid tilted her head. "Visitors from other worlds and you know Caris? Could it be that the rumors about her reached the islands?"

"No." Arisa shook her head. "For now, only the Ancients, Rangi and his nephew know what Caris will do today."

Arisa saw the mermaid's eyes widen as she mentioned Rangi's name. The mermaid then looked sideways, rubbing her arms.

"Rangi," said the mermaid, exhaling. "I haven't heard that name in years. I've always thought of how he was doing since our last encounter. I cannot imagine how furious he must be with my people for forcing our daughter to give up her powers."

Arisa's brows arched. "So you really are Caris' mother."

Arielle placed her finger on her lips, signaling Arisa to lower her voice. Arielle then looked around before she gazed back at the team in front of her.

"Only my parents and siblings know that I had a child with him," she said, her tone quiet. "No one else can find out I ashamed my people by having a relationship with an islander."

Despite sounding firm, her eyes expressed another thing. As Arielle gazed at the sandy seabed, Arisa could see that she was sad.

"What's your relationship with Rangi?" asked Arielle, looking back at them. "Are you perhaps friends he met in another world? I've heard he has a habit of traveling around the worlds."

Arisa shook her head. "No. We've just met him yesterday. We're Caris' friends; we met her during the trials in the Forbidden Lands."

Arielle blinked a few times, her chin dropping. She then gazed at each of them, speechless.

"So you're Guardians too?" she asked almost in a whisper.

"We are," said Thelma, folding her arms. "Don't tell me you're a fangirl too."

Arisa chuckled quickly, remembering Rangi's reaction when he found out that they were Guardians. She understood their reaction, though. Even though the last generations haven't shown a heroic attitude for centuries, it was always an honor to see a real Guardian around.

"Thank the Mother of the Sea for sending you here," said Arielle, her tone hopeful. "With you around, maybe my daughter can avoid committing a big mistake. If she has someone who can help her free her people, I'm sure she won't surrender her powers."

As the team gazed at the mermaid curiously, a voice called Arielle. They didn't take long to spot two small merpeople holding a small bag each.

"Oh," said Arielle, looking at the blonde mermaid, "so you're going with us too, Lala."

Lala nodded. "I want to see how that girl will pass her powers to the prince."

"She won't," said Malu quickly. "Caris would never do that."

Arisa's brows raised. From what Arielle told them, only her parents and siblings knew about Caris' origins. She wondered how her son met Caris. From his reaction, she could see that they had known each other for a long time.

"By the way, mom," said Malu, "can I at least be allowed to go to the Royal Plaza? Maybe I'll be able to convince Caris not to give up her powers."

Arielle stared at her son, looking thoughtful.

"You look like you care so much about that girl, Malu," said Lala, tilting her head. "You should be careful. Everyone says that half breeds are dangerous, especially when we're too friendly with them."

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