Chapter 3

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I stumble over a fallen branch skiting across the forest floor twigs slicing my arms and legs. I push myself back up running as fast as I can. The feeling of being watched grows even more as I make a sharp right turn to lose whoever is chasing me.

The piercing scream of the sirens echo throughout the trees. Claws dig into my arm throwing me to the side. The wind gets knocked out of me as my back makes contact with the dirt. I claw at the leaves trying to catch my breath. A women's scream pierces the sound of my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I look around to make sure no one is near before running. Tears are streaming down my face as I push myself to run faster. Dread seeps into my bones a second before someone slams into me.

"Tessa!" I sit straight up taking a big gulp of air. The sunlight streaming through my widow illuminating my room helps remind me it was all just a bad dream. Ryder's expression is the same it's been for the past few weeks when he's had to come wake me up from a nightmare, worried. I used to have really bad nightmares when I was younger, and only had them a handful of times as a teen. Ever since my birthday it's been like clock work every night.

"What should I make for breakfast?" Dad knows by now that the last thing I want to do is talk about it. The first few nights I know they thought it was because of the events on my birthday, but the longer they've gone on the more worried they seem.

"Whatever is fine." I rub the sleep from my eyes stretching my arms above my head. He stands up walking to my door, turning around at the last second.

"Emeric's coming over today to work with our warriors." A genuine smile takes over my face for the first time in a while. The rest of the family couldn't stay around long after my day of disappearing, so I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked. My tiredness is long forgotten as I jump up rushing to my closet. Ryder chuckles at my excitement closing the door behind him.

I pick out basic black leggings and a lavender t-shirt because I know I'll most likely train with them later. The one big change I made after my birthday was starting to train with my dads. If I would have run into any bad rogues while I was out there I wouldn't have know how to fight them properly. Sure my dads made sure I knew basic self defense, but to be honest that was more for defense inside pack territory. I don't plan on willingly running back into dangerous territory, but once you do it with no clue how to defend yourself suddenly learning how to fight becomes top priority.

"Good morning." Fletcher kisses my temple as I step into the kitchen. I give him a side hug being to distracted by the delicious smell of cinnamon rolls. I'm not sure why I'm surprised, they always bake cinnamon rolls when Emeric comes over because they are his favorite.

"Morning." I say moving over to the bowl of fruit salad popping a blueberry in my mouth. Fletcher continues to set the table as I pick out the blueberries until Ryder takes out the container of them from the refrigerator handing them to me. I take them from him without hesitation. You would think after so many years of eating blueberries I would get sick of them but it just hasn't happened yet.

"Emeric should be here soon." Fletcher says helping Ryder bring the food to table. I turn around on the stool so I'm facing them.

"Can I train with you guys today?" Ryder automatically looks elated, but Fletcher looks a little apprehensive. I'm pretty sure the first day I asked them if I could tag alone to training Ryder cried tears of happiness. Ever since I became old enough to train with everyone I always declined the offer and wanted to spend my time with Asher. Speaking of Asher I haven't seen him since the day I came back. I know my dads are making sure he stays away for the time being which I'm thankful for. Thinking about the situation alone hurts, and I can't imagine the pain it would cause if I saw him.

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