Chapter 7

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Opening my eyes I roll over in my bed which turns out to be a bad idea because I'm nearly blinded by the sunlight pouring into my room through the large window. I groan squeezing my eyes back shut while also trying to block out the voices coming from the living room. It feels like I was only asleep for a few minutes when I'm reality I know I got enough sleep to get through today. Sitting up I rub the sleep from my eyes as I pull the comforter away and untangle my legs from the sheets. The voices don't seem to be quieting down anytime soon, so I walk over to the door swinging it open to say good morning to everyone before I start to get ready.

Unfortunately the events of last night don't come rushing back until my eyes land on Quentin leaning against the counter talking to Aidan. My dads and Della turn their attention to me as I stand in the doorway frozen. I can't believe I forgot about last night. That just shows I probably didn't get as much sleep as I should have.

Quentin turns his eyes connecting with mine as a crooked smile takes over his face. I yelp jumping back into my room slamming the door behind me. Fletcher and Della's chuckles can be heard through the door as I rush into the bathroom, looking into the mirror I let out a sigh of relief. My bed head isn't too bad. I quickly brush my hair and teeth before changing into my dress for today. Since it's my first council meeting I want to make a good first impression, so I decided to choose a elegant dress that's also not too formal. The long sleeved teal dress has a natural waist and flows down to my knees. I put my hair in a pony tail not wanting to have to mess around to style it.

"Tessa hurry up!" I can hear Fletcher yell from the living room. I rush back into my bedroom to grab my plain black flats because I know we are going to be walking a lot today and I don't want to have sore feet for the three days straight. Last but not least I fasten the clasp of Jaspers compass around my neck. As long as it's closed it just looks like an ordinary necklace, and it helps me to have it.

"Sorry." I huff out as I hold onto my bedroom door frame slipping on each shoe. Everyone is standing at the front door waiting for me to finish. Ryder hands me my binder of papers as I approach them, but Fletcher doesn't open the door right away.

"First is breakfast then is the introduction ceremony. What time is your evaluation?" Fletcher turns to Quentin who seems a lot more serious than last night. His playful carefree expression is replaced with professional sternness. It worries me but I can't imagine how nerve ranking it must be to go in front of the council to try and get your pack recognized.

"One thirty." He glances down at a paper in his hand probably double checking. I hope that we'll be able to attend.

"Good. I already talked to Ivan so that we can sit in on it. Told him I wanted Tessa to see as much as she could." Fletcher turns flashing me a devious smirk. I chuckle at his expression, but still wonder why he didn't just tell Ivan the truth. I suppose me being Quentin's mate might complicate the approval process so we might as well wait to tell everyone until his packs approved.

"Remember no fighting." Ryder points to everyone individually. Once we all nod in agreement he opens the front door holding it open as we all file out into the hallway. Della and Aidan take the lead heading towards the elevators with my dads following close behind and me and Quentin last in line.

"Good morning." He whispers with a half smile, but his eyes still hold worry in them. His attire is more formal than it was last night with grey suit jacket and pants paired with crisp white buttoned up shirt. Even without a tie he looks like he's ready to run that meeting.

"Morning." We stop outside the elevators waiting for one of them to eventually make its way to our floor. The atmosphere toady is a lot less laid back instead it's stiff and professional. Every person we pass by is already in what I like to call "Alpha mode". Even Lunas with their loving and caring nature seem a bit tense today. So far Emeric wasn't kidding about these meetings it's definitely no party.

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