Chapter 31

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Looking out of the window in our office I watch as pack members pass by carry backpacks and duffle bags with worry written all over their faces. My stomach churns with guilt knowing this is my fault. Maybe if I hadn't went to that first council meeting everything would be okay, but I wouldn't have met Quentin which is something I could never ever regret. Sitting here going through the last few months of decisions trying to pinpoint a moment that might have change this outcome isn't helping, but we have to wait for everyone to be gathered outside to hold one last pack meeting before we split everyone up.

"Everyone is ready." Oliver knocks on the open door cutting me from my destructive thoughts. His voice is solemn and his eyes dull with dark circles under them. He's been quiet and distant from everyone since last night when him and Emma decided that she'd stay in Jasper's pack with Otis. I pulled him aside this morning letting him know that he could stay with them if he wanted, but he told me he'd never let his brother fight this battle alone.

"We'll be down in a minute." Quentin stands up from his chair as Oliver leaves the room and  walks over to me holding his hand out for me to take. Slipping my hand is his I let him pull me up and wrap his arms around my waist. "I love you." He whispers leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you." I close the millimeters of distance between our lips showing him just how much I love him before pulling away to head for the door.

"Wait." He intertwines our fingers stopping me. "I wanted to wait until we could have a day to spend just you and me, but it looks like that won't happen for a while and I can't wait that long." His silver eyes shine as he pulls a small flat square box out of his pocket. "Open it." He places the box in my hand smiling excitedly.

I hold my breath while slowly opening the soft velvet box. Inside laying delicately on the satin interior is a small silver letter "Q" charm. I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face because over the past few months I've been wanting to find a charm for my bracelet that represents Quentin in some way, but with all the chaos I kept forgetting.

"I love it! Thank you so much." I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down into a heated kiss. His hands grip my hips lifting me up and setting me down on the desk. Using all my self control I place my hand flat on his chest and push him back slightly. "They need us." I remind him of our pack waiting anxiously downstairs. "Can you help put it on?" I don't think I could leave the room without wearing his charm even if I tried.

"Of course." He takes the box from me as I unclasp the bracelet holding it in my palm as he carefully slips the charms on next to the others. It fits in perfectly complimenting the rest of the charms beautifully.

"It's perfect." I mummer sliding the bracelet back onto my wrist. His eyes sparkle as he smiles down at me taking my hand in his. "Let's go." I sigh jumping down from the desk wishing none of this was going down so we could stay huddled in our own bubble.

The walk down stairs is a short one, but it feels as if with every step my heart pounds harder and faster. Squeezing Quentin's hand one last time we step out the back door of the pack house, but I can't bring myself to smile knowing it won't be genuine.

"Thank you everyone for gathering on such short notice." Quentin takes the lead with the introduction. Emma and Oliver stand to our left and Carl and Jasper to our right. As defiant as he is about keeping  a low profile I'm still going to keep as much attention off of him as possible in hopes that the council doesn't catch wind of his presence. "Despite many attempts of negotiations and working with other packs, the council among a few others have overtaken Mystic Rivers pack." Quiet chatter spreads through the crowd like wild fire, and fear washes over the pack in waves. I step forward to gain their attention again, and force a smile trying to lighten the mood.

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