Chapter 33

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The dew on the grass chills the bottom of my feet as I walk around the smoldering remains of the camp fire. The sun isn't over the horizon yet, but the sky is blotched with bright yellows and pinks indicating it's soon to be appearance. Based on the silence other than the tweets from the birds in the near by trees no one else is awake yet.

My heart has been pounding in my chest since my eyes opened and my brain caught up to what day it is. Dread spread through my veins like ice numbing me to the core. Our time is limited, but there is still time for last minute attempts of peace. The only question is would Ivan be willing to compromise? There has to be something he wants that would stop his destruction, but his only motive has to be power which is certainly something we aren't giving him.

Have I considered sacrificing myself to save everyone else? Of course. But at the end of the day Ivan can't be trusted, and I know he isn't one to keep a promise. If I handed myself over there's no guarantee that he won't proceed with his army. Plus there is no reason why he would want me in the first place.

"Don't do whatever you are conjuring up in that little head of yours." I roll my eyes looking over my shoulder to see Jasper approaching. He looks a lot more refreshed today than he did last night. His eyes hold a carefree glint to them, which stuns me considering today holds more weight than yesterday did.

"You have no clue what I was thinking." I attempt to defend myself, but I have yet to figure out how Jasper always see right through my bluff. I sit down on the damp log facing away from the camp looking out to the empty field, and leave enough room for Jasper to sit if he wants.

"Knowing you it would have involved disappearing without a word." He plops down next to me casting his piercings lie detector look. I turn alway letting my hair create a curtain so it'll hide my warm cheeks. "I knew it." He chuckles angering me a bit. My temper is very short today, but I think it has something to do with the stress weighing me down. "I'm glad you didn't do it." His crooked smile is infectious, and it hard not to smile despite our possible imminent doom.

"Me too." I lean my head against his shoulder staring at the empty field. There is no way that they don't know we are here waiting for them, so it's making me nervous that we haven't seen any sign of them yet. "They should be here already." I mumble more to myself. "Knowing them they're burning our packs to the ground." It isn't as big of a deal as it sounds because we anticipated it happening so we all made sure to hide everything that was crucial. Packs have had to rebuild from the ashes before at this won't be the last time either.

"None of the packs have been ransacked. My guys would have informed me if they had." I lift my head off of his shoulder glaring at him. We agreed that he would only let his pack help by watching over those who could not fight. I should have know he wouldn't listen since he's defied me on every other decision.

"Why must you fight me on everything?" I'm drained from the constant state of anxiety since we arrived here, and the knot in my stomach making me second guess every choice I've ever made.

"Someone has to." He chuckles nudging me with his elbow playfully. Moments like this make me wish his parents were around so he could just be a regular kid, who doesn't have to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. I sigh nodding my head knowing he has a point. Everybody needs that one person to push them to test their boundaries and patience, and I'm really glad Jasper's my person to do that.

The sun has finally risen up over the tree line illuminating the expanse of the field, and heating the air. Jasper and I fall into a comfortable silence while admiring the view, and memorizing this one carefree moment just in case it's our last. It sort of reminds me of the night I met Jasper when we both sat on that rock, and I spewed almost the entirety of my life's story.

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