Chapter 21

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"Let me help." Jasper begs as we walk to the pack line. It's still insanely early to the point where sun is barely peaking out through the horizon, but it's the safest time to sneak him out of here without getting caught. Quentin offered to come with us, but that would only draw more attention so he stayed back to rest.

"Absolutely not." I send him a look that leaves little room for him to argue, but it's Jasper so he'll fight me on this no matter what. It's hard to forget he's a child based on how mature he is, so I keep reminding myself every time he gives me his stubborn face not to snap at him. What he witnessed yesterday was not meant for a child to see and it pains me to know it was my fault for allowing him to participate in our plot. Now that I've made that mistake once I'm going to make sure it never happens again.

"I can help." He snaps ripping his arm out of my hold. The pain in his eyes is evident as he stares me down. "I'm more than capable. I have the resources, man power, and skill to help. Yesterday I saved peoples lives but I also watched as others lost theirs, and I will be watching whoever is responsible meet their fate." He's angry and hurting right now wanting justice for those who can't get it themselves, but that makes him more dangerous than he knows. To have such power in numbers, information, and discretion he's a ticking time bomb of hormones and impulsiveness.

"We will get justice, but right now your pack needs you, and more importantly you need your pack. I'm so sorry you went through what you did, and I will never forgive myself for leading you right into it. For me can you please go home and don't do anything reckless. I promise to call you if we need help, but right now we have plenty of backup." None of it is a lie. Now that the council has revoked Black Moon's recognition their allies will all be willing to join forces if it comes to that, but I'm praying it won't. "Plus we don't know for sure who to punish yet so until we do I want you to focus on keeping your pack safe." I already worry that the small amount of help they've already provided may have drawn attention.

"I can't just sit around and do nothing." He looks so exhausted with the dark circles under his eyes amplified by his black hair. If it weren't for my brain keeping me up last night overthinking every decision I made while Quentin was in a coma, Jasper's screams when he had nightmares would have. It was easier to comfort him since I know exactly what he's going through. Although my nightmares have subsided slightly they still invade my dreams once every few days.

"You won't be. Use this motivation to take full reign of your pack and lead them to be people you would be proud of." He needs a distraction and thankfully there is a perfect one waiting for him at home. There is no doubt in my mind Jasper is a leader and I would love nothing more than to see him thrive doing it.

After many more minutes of back and forth he finally caves agreeing to stay home unless we need him. Hugging him goodbye I wave until he is out of sight before rushing home already missing Quentin. after the phone call last night any desire still hanging in the air was demolished by the dread and uncertainty that washed over us like a cold bucket of water. Although we didn't still crave each other that way the need to be near the other was still there, and not being able to do much until morning we held each other discussing what our next step will be.

Ultimately we came to the conclusion that whoever is behind the rogue attacks is our first priority, and if that so happens to be Ivan than we will be killing two birds with one stone. Ivan may be the biggest asshole in history but that doesn't make him the more dangerous than a enormous group of rogues going pack to pack killing innocent people. With that in mind my dads, Della, and Aidan are all going to meet us on neutral territory later tonight to debate what our next move will be. It seem fruitless to pursue getting our recognition reinstated because by the time the investigation wraps up we may run out of time to stop the rogues. We know their numbers are larger than anything any of us have seen before and who knows when they plan to strike next.

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