bizim sevgimiz

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Happy New Year! Sorry about the wait. Here are an extra-long final chapter and an extra little bit of smut to make up for it 😍


He looked up at me when I whimpered feebly and let go of his grip on my thighs. I fell off his face clumsily into a shivering trembling heap of limbs. I thought surely the human body wasn't built to withstand this much pleasure and he, evil man that he was, set out to prove me wrong. He untied my hands, kissed my wrists and left the bed. I dozed off until he shook me awake gently and carried me to the bathroom. He lowered my wine-sticky depleted body into the tub then slid in behind me and washed me while my head lolled on his chest. I felt his hardness pressed against my back and incredibly my body stirred again. He hadn't taken me earlier like I'd begged him to.

"This isn't normal. It can't be. If it was, people wouldn't function. No one would leave their beds. Society would collapse." I was halfway out of my mind.

He chuckled and nipped my earlobe. "From that first kiss, I knew it was something rare and precious. No, it's not normal."

"Will it always be like this, do you think?" I rocked my hips, my tired body responding to his nearness and his need.

I tried to turn to him but he whispered, "no, love, you need to get some rest."

"I need you," I said knowing he never denied me anything. I reached my arms back and twined them around his neck. Despite my weariness, I wanted him and I detested the thought of him not finding release.

He slid his body down and pulled me fully on top of him, my back to his front.  It took some accommodating but he managed to drape my legs over his and enter me. The position only allowed for short shallow thrusts which made me squirm on top of him desperately, he covered my breast with one hand and slid the other one down my front. The water sloshed over the sides of the tub with my frantic movements. I was still sensitive from earlier so he kept his touch light maddening me further. I groaned in frustration, "I want you deep inside me. This is torture." Instead of letting me turn over he lowered his lips to my ear and whispered dark and dirty things in a rough voice, things he'd done to me, things he wanted to do to me.

"You know what I like most of all, " he continued in his enthralling wicked voice, his hand busy between my legs, "when you're about to come like right now, you hold your breath and then you grip me tight inside you right before you drench me. Nothing has ever felt this good."

I felt the pleasure explode in short sharp surges. He bit my shoulder as he came with me groaning my name. He petted me gently as I came down, still shuddering. I was utterly spent, my body felt deliciously used. His lips nuzzled my neck and he whispered sweet words in my ear while I dozed off. When his breathing returned to normal, he helped me out of the tub and dried my exhausted body while I wobbled on my feet. He lifted me in his arms and took me back to bed. As I fell asleep with him spooning me, I felt his lips on my neck. 

"It will always be like this for me. In this life and the next," he said feelingly answering my earlier question. "Always." 

Our lives settled into a comfortable rhythm over the next few months. We fell into living together as we'd fallen into everything else, naturally. I learned that true happiness came from having someone who loved me for me. My moods, my needs for quiet and stillness sometimes, which were completely alien to him, was not an imposition. I didn't have to edit my thoughts or watch my words as I'd done all of my life. I was, for the first time, free to be no one but myself, and I was loved to distraction for it.

Can was, at first, nonplussed about having people around the house to cater to his every whim. He was used to doing for himself and I didn't see that ever changing. He was undemanding and easy to please but in true Can Divit fashion he charmed everyone in the household into a state of god-like adoration so that everyone was tripping over themselves to do any little task for him.  I  also often had to shoo the maids away when they suddenly all found something to do near the windows while he took his morning swim or worked out outside as he preferred to do. Even the crotchety gardener's face wreathed in a smile at the sight of him. His open devotion for me endeared him to them even further. I accepted and understood that this was now a fact of life. I was married to a God and all mortals would always fall over each other to worship at his feet. His boundless energy brought new life into the house, which had always felt to me more like an echoing empty mausoleum than a home. It was still a house, home was wherever he was, but now love shined a light in all the dark corners.

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