Chapter Two

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Controlling my emotions every time Ashton Price glances my way is pretty difficult, especially when his blue eyes seem like they're piercing through me. I know those eyes are deadly. One look and your heart will do crazy flips. And his muscles. Don't even get me started with how his white shirt is helping him show off his toned physique.

And I am daydreaming about him in class while Professor Riddel is discussing about the upcoming exam. See? Deadly.

I push myself to concentrate but my earlier conversation with Ashton keeps popping up in my head. I still don't understand why he's suddenly friendly. We've been classmates in three classes but he never once made a move. The only time he spoke to me was when he needed to ask about an assignment. So my surprise is pretty obvious now that he's suddenly being chatty.

"Riddel is calling you."


"Harper, Riddel is calling you," Ashton whispers, his face inches from mine. I swallow because he smells of aftershave and toothpaste and I want to touch his cheek.

Why is Ashton Price this close to me?

"I heard him," I blurt out while mentally cursing myself for being caught daydreaming by the very person I am daydreaming about.

"I don't think so," He teases and flashes me a knowing smile. Oh shoot!

Professor Riddel is waiting for me to answer his question which I wasn't able to hear because my mind is preoccupied with something...or to be exact, someone else.

"Pardon me, sir, but can you please repeat the question?"

"Is there a problem, Miss Silva? It seems that you're not with us."

"Yes, sir...ah, I mean, no sir. I'm just not feeling well," I choke out a lame excuse because that's the only excuse I can come up with. Beside me, Ashton is grinning.

Wait, why is he seated beside me? That's not his seat!

Professor Riddel throws me a look which says he's not buying my excuse but he's letting it go. Relief washes over me when he repeats the question which I know the answer to. Good thing I was able to finish the assigned readings last night. When Professor Riddel calls another student, I sit down and hear Ashton chuckle.

The two-hour class feels longer than usual now that Ashton is within reach. I have to mentally scold myself not to ogle him because that will be rude and downright creepy. And Ashton is not helping at all. A smile is plastered on his face, and it's bothering the freak out of me.

Once we're dismissed, I scramble out of my seat and got hit in the face by a chest. And not just any other chest.

"Hi," Ashton greets me like we've been friends for years.

"What do you want?" My voice cracks as his fingers brush my elbow. He's doing that smirk again, and that's because he knows the effect it has on women.

Ashton holds both hands up and say, "Nothing. I just want to talk to you."

"Isn't what we're doing now called talking or is there some other term for this?" I retort, trying to conceal the fact that his closeness is making my heart pound.

"Uh, I believe 'speaking' is another term."

"Whatever," I scoff and roll my eyes. "So why are we suddenly on speaking terms, Mr. Ashton Price? I thought you're allergic to humans."

I know that I am being a bitch here but that's because Ashton Price has never been nice to me. Yes, he's been nice to everyone, but not to me. He willingly helped Cass and her group of friends in their project, but he refused to be my study partner to a point that he even chose Enzo, who's a major slacker, over me. It's like I carry the world's deadliest disease. And the worse thing is I still have a stupid little crush on him.

And now, he is using that to his advantage.

"Will it make you feel better if I tell you I'm not allergic to humans?"

Right. Because you're just allergic to me.


"Why don't we grab a cup of coffee and—"

"No. As I said earlier, you don't have to talk to me unless there's a catch. What's the catch, Ashton?" Heck yeah. He won't be acting all too friendly except if he has some favor to ask me. And now, I am pissed. Ashton is just like all the other rich kids who are only nice to you when they need you.

The look he gives me is an automatic giveaway. I don't have the same ability as Edward Cullen, but I can sure as hell read thoughts through actions and facial expression. When his jaw twitches, that tells me I hit a nerve.

"Look Harper, I am just..." He falters. "I just need your help on something."

See? I'm right!

When he receives no reaction from me, he continues. "The final paper that we need to submit to Riddel...I am having quite a hard time. I'm just wondering if you could help me out."

"You still have over a month to figure things out, so I think you'll be fine," I say and make a move towards the door. Ashton is quick to grab my arm to stop me.

"Please? You're a PolSci major, and you're the best person to help me understand international politics."

"You're not the dumbest student in class so you don't need any help."

"But I'm not the brightest either," He says, sounding hopeful. "You are."

"Has anyone told you you're such a difficult person?" I ask, exasperated. When he shakes his head, I even find the nerve to laugh. "Guess what, Ashton Price, you are and I need you to get out of my way."

I leave the room without looking back.

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