Chapter Three

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Fuck. Harper Silva is making it difficult. I don't need a tutor or study partner for the paper, but if that's the only way to get to her, then so be it. And like I said, she's the smartest in class so it's not like I'm throwing myself off the cliff.

But I need to get her to agree. And I need to think quick.

"Hi Emma," I greet my younger brother's on-and-off girlfriend. She's a sophomore and she assists Miss Marygold, Easton's bombshell of a guidance officer. Miss Marygold looks like the twin of Pamela Anderson tits-wise. Last year, three Seniors tried to get into her pants and they were all kicked-out.

"Hey, Ashton. What brings you here?" Emma's tone suggests that it's unusual for a Price to be in the guidance office. Well, except for Alexander, when they're doing things behind Miss Marygold's back.

I plop down on the sofa and give her a look which says I need her help. When she asks what it is, I waste no time telling her exactly what I need.

"Okay, so you want to know if Miss Silva has any extra-curricular activities."

"Yeah, that and..." I lower my voice down to a whisper. "Her class schedule, if you have it."

"Sorry Ashton but the guidance office doesn't have access to any student's schedule. All we have are personal records, though, like family info and stuff."

But I don't need to know that. That is too private and I am not a creep who finds comfort in knowing secrets and personal issues of anyone and use them in my favor.

"But you can tell me the organizations she's in?"

"No, either. But what I can tell you are her hobbies, and maybe you can figure out her extra-curricular activities from there."

"Good idea."

Thanks to Emma, I now know that Harper's into dancing and singing. She is also passionate about a lot of issues like gender equality, women's rights, education and heck, even food. She once tried to rally against the lack of healthy options in the cafeteria, which resulted to her one-week detention. This chick is fierce.

"Anything else you need to know?" Emma asks. For sure she's curious about my sudden interest in Harper Silva, but I have to tip my hat off to her for not prying.

"Nah, I'm good. Just remind Alexander to take it easy on his smoking."

"I try my best," She sighs, her mouth forming into a thin line. I believe her. Emma has done everything she could to stop my brother from smoking to his death. But like any other addiction, it's not that easy to quit.

"Adrian and I know that, Emma, and we can't thank you enough for putting up with Alex's shit."

She smiles and offers me coffee. I decline because there are things I have to do, and that includes figuring out how to win Harper Silva over.

Alex is late as fucking usual. I swear I don't know how Emma puts up with him. We're supposed to meet Chris Jacobson thirty minutes ago, but the little fucker is still not here. I call him again and there's still no answer. After trying for three more times, I give up and dial Chris's number instead. He answers after the second ring.

"Hey bud, sorry. Alex is being a shithead and he's still not here. Can we meet you after an hour? Drinks on me."

Chris is the coolest guy on campus. He's the president of the student council and an absolute chick magnet. He's also the most patient guy out there.

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