Chapter Seventeen

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What the hell is Ashton Price thinking? He's just looking for another fuck, and his arrow points straight at me because I'm the easy target.

Fucking no.

For starters, I have no idea where this will lead me. Ashton's a guy and he can fuck all he wants. I'm a girl, and I have this tendency of giving myself more than what's supposed to.

Second, he's Ashton freaking Price. He admitted that he hooks up more than he can count. Serious relationships are not his thing.

And lastly, I'm not prepared for my heart to be broken, more so by Ashton Price.

Maybe I'm overthinking things, but how can I not?

The sex is out of this world. When the time comes when being with Ashton Price has imbued my system and he starts to walk away, I don't know how I can manage. Heartbreak is the last thing I want when there are goals to achieve.

That makes leaving the clubhouse without saying a word about hooking up again the wisest thing to do.

Ashton has not messaged me after I left this morning. Maybe his senses are finally back, and he realizes how stupid he was last night.

He's probably stupid, but he is also hot in bed, and a pro when it comes to oral sex.

Good thing there are no classes today because it's impossible to concentrate when thoughts of how great Ashton is in bed flood my brain. Although I have work, so dirty thoughts are unwelcome.

Speaking of work, my first blog post is scheduled to be published today. I write a note reminding Judy and Katrina about it and pin it on our corkboard. They are the ones who I want to read my article first.

As I make my way out of the dormitory's compound, I hear a voice yell my name.

"Harper Silva," Chris Jacobson calls from across the street. He jogs to where I am standing.

"How are you, Miss Silva?" he continues.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"There's something different about you today. You seem blooming," he comments. I don't understand what he means by that. Or does he know that I had sex—four rounds to be exact—with his good friend last night?

"Probably because of the weather," I reply, trying to sound unaffected as possible.


We both turn to the source of the voice and find Ashton running up to us.

"Hey dude, we missed you last night," Chris asks, gleaming at him. Ashton throws me a momentarily glance and shrugs.

"Important thing came up, I had to bail out."

"More important than your friends? Tsk. That must be something," Chris mutters. His comment is laced with something—maybe curiosity, but more of amusement. He probably knows what happened. He's caught us.

"Things happen unexpectedly," Ashton says as he looks at me. His gaze lingers longer than I expected.

Why do I have a feeling that I need to get away?

"Uh, I better go. Bye," I say, taking few steps back.

"Where are you going?" Ashton asks before I can run.

"I have work. I need to be productive to earn money."

"You're working? On a weekend?" Chris asks, surprise evident in his voice. Why do these people act astounded when they hear about someone, specifically a student, working? It's pretty normal in this country.

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