Chapter Thirteen

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We need to talk later.

Those are the words Adrian screamed at me over the phone. I know what it's about. Easton Unknown has once again made me the talk of the town. And not just me, but also Harper. Does she already know? Well, we're in the digital age where information is everywhere. It's impossible for her not to know.

But why does Adrian suddenly care? It's unlikely of him to argue with me about my hookups or flings. And come on, Harper and I are not even hooking up. We're far from that.

Okay, that was my initial plan but now I'm not sure. She's great so maybe I just want to be her friend? A friend who can also suck her tits and taste her pussy? A friend who gets a boner every time she's around?

Cat's out of the bag. I'm attracted to her because she's hot, but not to a point that I immediately want to hook up. This may sound crazy, but I want to get to know her more than I want to bang her.

"Dude, what's up?" Chris hollers at me from the end of the hallway. Everyone—and I mean everyone, even the professors—shifts their attention to me as if I've won an Oscar. Celebrity status in university is not new to me, but this is on a whole different level. That's the case when I'm photographed with a chick other than Samantha. I usually played it safe when it comes to going out with chicks. I don't know, it's just that somehow Jackson Price will find out and he will be after my ass in a minute.

Heck, that's why Adrian is pissed. He doesn't want Jackson to go after me. I'm stupid to even forget.

"You know what's up," I say as Chris approaches me. Students who pass by us slow down in hopes of hearing something they can spread online. That pisses me off even more. "Let's not talk about it. I need to look for Harper."

I fish my phone out from my pocket to check if there's a message from her. It's been an hour since we left the clubhouse, but there's no update from her. Is she mad at me? Maybe she's thinking I rat us out to Easton Unknown so I can get my dick a praise. She's furious at me for sure.

Chris notices that I'm not enjoying the attention, so he doesn't push it. That's the thing about Chris, he understands.

We walk to the cafeteria to get our caffeine fix when Samantha blocks my way.

"We need to talk," she says. My eyes search for her squad, but they're not here. It's surprising that she's not with her posse.

"I have class, Sam. Maybe later?"

"Just for a minute. I need to ask you something."

I turn to Chris for help, but he looks like he doesn't want to offer any. He knows how challenging Samantha can be, especially if you try to stop her from getting what she wants. That's her main strength.

"Okay, shoot. I have a minute," I say, shrugging.

"Are you dating someone?"

Truth be told, I'm unsure of what to answer. I can just tell people to go fuck off and mind their own business, but Harper's my main concern here. I don't know what she feels about all this.

When I don't answer, Samantha continues, "I thought we're okay?"

People are now looking at us. I don't want this to be on Easton Unknown's Twitter account and for Sam to be embarrassed. It's okay if they gossip about me, but not when other people are involved.

"Later, baby girl. I need to go to class," I tell her.

She stares at me for few seconds and finally gives up. Guess she has noticed the crowd gathering around us. She doesn't want to be on Easton Unknown's Twitter page, too.

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