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"Babe, I'll be home by six. Love you."

Ashton is still at the office, doing some work for Professor Riddell's brother. Well yes, my handsome boyfriend is now employed, thanks to our dear professor. Ashton even enjoys it too much that he's now thinking of going to law school. And he wants to go to Harvard to be with me.

I actually find it hot when he's blabbering about work, politics or law.

Speaking of work, I'm still writing and editing for the Norton Local. And since  the boss is happy with the number of reads my blog posts gain, she is now thinking of publishing them into a magazine or a book.

I find it odd, though, because writing's not my forte. But I enjoy it, and I love what I'm doing.

I look at my watch and see that it's just 5:00 P.M. I'm home earlier than expected, so Chris is not yet here.

That's another change that happened in our lives. Ashton and I are now staying with Chris. We just make sure that we help with maintaining the house squeaky clean. Also, we help with the bills.

Another change? Chris and Judy are kind of dating, and Kat has broken up with her longtime boyfriend. So there are times they stay here at Chris' apartment.

Just like tonight, we will be having our weekly chill night. And as per usual, I'm in charge of the food.

I take  the frozen cream dory out of the freezer when my phone rings. I pick it up from the counter and see my sister's name flashing on the screen.

"Guess what?" she screams, making my ear hurt. "I got into USC with scholarship. Hell yeah."

"Wow, that's good news, Christie!" I say, feeling really proud of her. "What's your plan now?"

"Still the same. I'll stay at home to be with mom, and continue working with Pam's mom. You know, the one who  has her own production company. I actually enjoy working with her. She treats me like a responsible adult."

Another reason to be happy. Christie has matured and has been responsible in taking care of mom. She actually dealt with  my dad's infidelity better than I did.

"How's everything going there?"

"Mom's still undergoing chemo, and dad, you know the usual. But his shenanigans have lessened, as far as I know."

"Are they still mad at me?" I ask, remembering how I chose to be with Ashton than listen to them.

"You know that mom can never be mad at you. We're actually planning on seeing you soon. While Dad has not mentioned anything about you, which I think is good."

"Yeah," I mutter  and sigh. "I miss you and mom."

"We miss you, too. Tell Ashton I said hello. Bye, sis."

"Bye, Christie. Take care."

I put my phone back to the counter and begin contemplating about how much has changed since then.

My phone buzzes again.

It's a message from Ashton.

"Guess what? I'll be home earlier than expected. See you in 30 minutes. I love you."

I smile and type "See you soon, babe. I love you."



Harper has no idea what I have in store for her.

I take a deep breath as I get out of the car. The plastic envelope containing the good news  slides from my grip.

Before meeting Harper, my dream was just to get by, to not be like my father. It was just simple because I had everything handed out to me, like no matter what, business and assets would be handed out to me on a silver plate.

But when Harper came to my life, my views suddenly changed. She made me realize that I should not be pressured with other's expectations. That there's more to life than  following orders and giving up your happiness just for money.

She made me realize a lot of things, and I am lucky to have her.

The moment I get inside the gate, Harper is already at the door waving at me.

"Hello hottie! What do you have there?" She asks, looking at the plastic envelope in my hands.

"I have some news..." I start.

She looks at me expectantly. God, she's going to be ecstatic.

"Well, Atty. Reginald Riddell just gave me a recommendation letter to Harvard. He's also helping me polish my knowledge about law which can help me with my application."

She beams at me and says, "I am so proud of you, Ashton."

"But here's the greater news..." I continue. "He's going to help the both of us, because Professor Riddell talked a heck a lot about you, and he wants to meet you."

"Oh my gosh. Really?" She exclaims. "That's exciting!"

I take a step forward and pull her in for a hug. She nuzzles her head on my chest and murmurs, "I love you."

I imagine us going to law school together, maintaining a studio room where we'll make love every night, and building dreams together. Things are never going to get easy, but heck, I'm excited to build a life with her.

And those dreams will start in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

"Can't wait to spend days with you in Massachusetts, babe," I whisper back. "I love you."

She tiptoes and kisses me on the lips, making me realize how blessed I am to have her.

I know she'll be awesome with whatever she plans, and I want to be worthy of her. That's why I'm working towards my dream. I'll be a lawyer and teach politics in university. Just like Professor Riddell and Atty. Reginald Riddell.

I take her hand and plant a kiss on her forehead. "So can we have quickie before they arrive?"

She laughs as she grabs me by the arm, taking me inside the house with her.


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