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Swara's POV-

" Where are we going Aryan?" I asked him.

" Marine Drive." He answered and continued focusing on the road.

Marine drive was a place where I could just forget all my worries and realize how small my problems are in front of the wide open sea in front of me.

" You always somehow know what I want despite me not knowing it." I remarked.

" That's why I am your best friend S." He replied.

" You know, I am shifting to Aditya's apartment tomorrow. That way I won't have to hear all the family's taunts. I can manage ignoring him." I said, a little cheerfully.

" That's actually good. The less the better. Anyways we will start college from next month most probably so you'll get occupied with studies also." He said.

We had reached Marine drive.

" Why knew that I would say this.....that God I'll be occupied with studies." I confessed sincerely.

We sat on the rocks.

" Swara, give all of this some time. You will have to be patient right now. I know it's this too bad to be true situation but this is how it is right now. You can't escape the situation so you better fight it. Also by fight, I don't mean the literal fight, I'm talking about being strong so don't go around fighting with your family members now." He instructed.

I rolled my eyes but nodded nonetheless.

" I really hope we start college soon. This way I'll be as far as possible from my apparently so called husband.

" S, I hope you know that sometime you both will have to be cordial to each other because you literally have to live together now." He talked sense.

" Why do you always have to be right!!??" I said, frustrated.

He just gave me a silly look.

" Okay fine yeah...I agree but that does not mean that the time is now. Do you know how rude he was to me a while back!?" I exclaimed, complaining.

" Listen S, I've had the opportunity to interact with him in these few days a couple of times and I don't think that he is a bad person. It's just the circumstances. And before you accuse me of defending him, no I'm not. I'm just trying to knock some sense into you for the future when he tries to be cordial with you, just don't ruin it." He said.

" Idiot." I muttered as much as for him as much for Aditya.

He grinned stupidly.

" Now S, I'm dropping you back to your home. Face it, don't run away from it. Be the lioness that you are and never feel alone, which reminds me that I've a gift for you." He said taking out a pendant.

" It's so beautiful." I said, admiring it.

" It's from mum for you." He said.

" Say thank you to aunty and also tell her that I'll come home soon." I said.

I took it prom him and wore it.

" Let's go?" He asked.

" Do I have an option?" I muttered and for up.

" No S, I'm not letting you go like this. Say that I'll go and fight and will not change myself. I'll always be who I am." He said.

" Yes. Oh Aryan....what would have I done without you!?" I asked him.

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