Chapter- 28

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

Please vote and comment! Motivates a lot!

Swara's POV-

" Leave me! What do you even think of yourself. I wish to go and I will go. That's final." I struggled in his grip.

" Yeah, let's see how that happens." He replied, smirking and then picked me up in bridal style and I shrieked.

" What are you doing Aditya? Ever heard of a concept called moving on?" I shouted in his ears.

He just gave me an annoyed look and I rolled my eyes.

" You know, mostly people would have forgotten the person who ran away six years ago and would have got married by now. With age ticking and all." I tried to rile him up so that he keeps me back on my feet. But no, he just continued to walk somewhere and climbed the stairs of the manor.

" Where are you taking me??" I asked him but it seemed like he had gone mute.

" What exactly is your problem?" I asked again but his no reply again made me frustrated.

He entered a bedroom......his bedroom judging by the looks of the furniture and the wall colour, grey. He then made me sit again on the bed and walked towards the table and picked his laptop up.

" What are you doing? Will you tell me?" I asked, sighing.

" Getting your parents and mine on skype." He replied this time, very casually.

" Are you out of your freaking mind Aditya!? You will do no such thing!" I objected, getting up from the bed.

" You will eventually have to face them Swara." He replied, looking at me.

" No." I said, monosyllabic.

" So you are planning to run away from this too?" He taunted me.

" I am not running from anything." I lied again.

" I'll tell you what you are running from. You're running from me, yourself, our parents, your dog, my love, the truth and reality in general. You have been living in a self created love deprived world from the past six years and now you are used to it." He accused.

" I love someone here." I said, looking at my watch.

" Yes? What is his name?" He asked.

" Tyler." I said the first name that came in my mind.

" And What does he do?" He questioned back.

Oh shit! What do I say......what do I say??

" He is an astronaut." I replied in haste.

" Lovely, call him here. I'd love to meet him." He said, raising an eyebrow.

I was struck. I did not know any Tyler, specially who's an astronaut.

" What happened? He's on mars?" Aditya offered.

Oh god! I could have said something like that! But I knew that he had caught my lie so I just looked away.

" Swara, I know that you believe that I did not cheat on you that day so what is the problem? Why are you still acting like a jerk and trying to run away from me again? I understand that six years back, you were barely an adult and too young to be living a married life but what is the issue now?" He asked, coming to sit next to me.

" You want the truth? Here is the truth. I do believe you. I believe you completely but whom I don't believe is myself. I don't believe that I'll be able to hold onto anything in my life. You know what the biggest mistake of my life was? It was running away that day, leaving you and leaving everything behind. I did a mistake by not placing my trust on you that night but now, the only person I cannot trust is myself. You deserve someone a lot better than me. Someone who will celebrate having you in her life, someone who is not as impulsive, stupid and a asshole like I am. I know something is wrong with me, I just don't know what. You will get someone who is much better than me in every aspect. Also, even if I do come with you, what is the guarantee that I won't do something as stupid as this again and run away again? Will you be able to tolerate that? I ranted my heart out.

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