𝐢𝐢. 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐞𝐬?

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HER LIGHTLY COLOURED EYES REST UPON THE TRIBUTES IN THE TRAINING CENTRE. Brutus stands beside her with his arms crossed whilst Cashmere and Gloss stand on the other side of him. She knows that as a victor from two, she is fully expected to be a career in these games. Whether she actually will be or not, rest solely upon her mood when she's in the arena. Can she ally with people who could kill her so easily? She knows what they're like, they'll turn their backs on each other in an instant. She's seen it happen so many times before.

The trainer steps before them and gives the same speech that probably has not changed in the entire seventy five years of the Hunger Games. She'd heard the exact same words just years before. They speak of not taking survival skills for granted because quite a few of us will die that way, she knows that's the case. However, in her previous lot of training her she focused on that so this time she will stray from survival techniques. It's good to have some variety in her arsenal in case she cannot get her weapon of choice. She's going to steer clear of people as best as she can, the last thing she needs is to be distracted.

So as they're all dismissed, the young girl walks over to a survival station that revolves around edible berries. Her eyes slowly read over the words, taking in as much information as she can. Emori decides to read it more than once so it truly sticks before choosing to do the test. The different berries appear before her in holographic form, to the point where she can even pick them up and survey them better. From there, she has the option to choose whether they're edible or poisonous.

"Mori? I should've known you'd be hiding," A familiar voice says from behind her, her entire body turning so that she can meet the gaze of the brunette boy. Her lips flick upwards and she practically throws herself at him, hugging him closer than she had anybody for over a year.

Reed Loughlin laughs as he hoists her into the air, the blonde actually emitting a genuine laugh for once. As he sets her down on her feet, he pulls away and takes in the site of her. It's been a few years since they'd seen each other now. Reed is a victor from District Ten who'd won the year after her and therefore, they'd met when she was there for his games. Being only a year older than her, the two of them got on a lot better than most would believe they would have. She's from a richer district in comparison to the poorer district that he grew up in — therefore they had little to nothing in common despite the fact that they were both survivors.

"I didn't get to see you last night," Emori says as she turns to finish the last question of the quiz. He chuckles which causes her to look back with raised eyebrows.

"I know but I most certainly saw you. Probably not smart going after the Capitol's new favourite couple," He teases and shrugs her shoulders, not caring whether or not she'd gained popularity points by her actions.

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