chapter 15

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Poe threw Rey onto the stone floor leaving her cowering in the corner. What had just happened?

He walked up to the bars and stared at her shivering body.

"Poe... What has gotten into you?" Rey whispered. As much as she didn't want to say his name, she at least had to try to knock him back to his senses.

He ignored her question and smiled at her. "the other night was fun" he gave her a psychotic grin.

She felt shocked.

"How dare you!" she shrieked at him.

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT! NO RIGHT AT ALL!" she was shouting at him, full on screaming. She glared at his face as tears rolled down her cheeks, she was supposed to look strong but she started to cave in.

Sobs racking her entire body she slid down to the ground and felt no sympathy from him. He stared at her weak figure and then started to walk away.

"Rey please... You were practically begging for it" with a light laugh at the end, he turned the corner and left.

She couldn't move. She felt numb. She felt empty.

Resting her head on the stone tiles, she cried herself to sleep that night. She knew that he would execute her in the morning. She felt it.
She could see the red saber before she saw the face that weilds it. Rey was in a dark hall and in front of her stood a throne- the sith's throne and in front of it stood... Her

But it isn't her, it was a version of Rey but she stood across from it. Dark Rey was dressed in exactly what she was wearing except in black and a black cape was situated around her shoulders

"join me" she said to herself
Rey stumbled backwards from it reaching for the light saber that no longer hung from her belt. Sharp jaggered teeth lay in her mouth and she could feel herself self freeze because of a hidden force that held her there. She could sense the feeling like something was watching her but she couldn't turn to look.

The sith version of Rey swings her red saber around as she advances closer to herself, frozen and unable to move.
"never" normal Rey says with as much venom in her voice.

She could feel a scream build up in her chest but no sound comes out.
Before the saber reaches her chest a figure leaps in front of her and defends Rey from the monster that is herself.


After a massive fight the monster version of Rey disappears and Ben turns to look at Rey. She was slumped on the floor when Ben tells her to join him. She looks at him confused.
"I will not join Kylo ren or the dark side" she says tears streaming down her face

He looks fearful
"do not call me that, I don't want to be him any longer" he says with clenched fists.

"I am Solo, Ben Solo" he says.

She wakes with sweat dripping down her face and the feeling that someone was watching her disappears. A set of coordinates is taking over her mind and she gasps for air. She didn't know what that dream meant but all she knew is that she had to get out of there.
Ben had only just gotten dressed when he felt the force connect their minds. He could see her asleep on a bed but her face was contorted with fear. He felt a pang of guilt in his stomach when he saw her like this.

He quickly dismissed the thought of waking her as she was clearly having a nightmare. He waited for the force connection to break when suddenly he heared her scream, a blood curdling scream. He raced to her side. She stops and starts breathing heavily.

He felt stupid for wanting to help her.

But there was something about her, when ever she screamed he felt a stab of pain as if he could feel her pain as well. Ever since their force bond was created he hadnt felt as lonely, like she was Someone he could talk to. But he must refrain from wanting to be her friend. The reason why he moved to this planet was so he couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

He walked away hoping that the force will transport him back until he heard a whisper escape from her lips.
"Ben?" she said it like a question and he thought that she might be awake until she turned over and her breathing returned to normal. He concentrate hard on where he was
I am on Edroth, I am on Edroth, return me to Edroth. He thought hard not wanting to be here any more. When he opened his eyes he stood in the middle of his room then it occured to him

Was Rey in a jail cell?...

Authors notes:
Reylo coming up

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