Chapter 3. Day one

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Shikamaru woke up to someone standing up after being seated next to him on the bed. Who would be in his room at such a late hour, maybe his mother? No, she wouldn't have got up so fast, this person was in a hurry. He saw a flash of golden hair leave the room as his eyes fluttered open. Ino? No Ino would have woken him up knowingly or she wouldn't have come in his room, besides Ino's hair was too light. Naruto's hair is too yellow and not long enough.

Shikamaru got up and walked towards the living room in curiosity. He saw his mother and the person who was in his room going into different rooms, both bedrooms he observed. This was troublesome but now he needed to know who was staying in his house and why they were in his room. The shower started running, Shikamaru could hear someone in the bathroom, so he decided to stay in the living room as he waited for the mystery person to finish in the shower.

Five minutes later he heard the shower stop. Another minute later he heard the person leave the bathroom and get into bed. Needing to know who they were he crept over to the bedroom door. Temari was lying down in bed in his house, the same girl that was there for him at his father's funeral, the same girl that made his heart race for some odd reason. That same girl was only a few meters away from him, as she drifted off to sleep peacefully. She looked beautiful. Shikamaru could only stand there mesmerized with a pounding heart as he quietly said

"Good night Temari, sleep well."

He stood there awhile longer hoping he didn't wake her up and when he heard her soft snoring he tiptoed back to his own room for some much needed sleep.

. . .

Shikamaru woke up to the mouth watering smell of breakfast, probably pancakes or some pastries. Then he remembered, Temari was in his house last night, was she still here? He lazily got out of bed, put a shirt on and headed to the kitchen. Lone behold, there stood Temari, making breakfast.


Temari almost jumped in fright, "Kami, Shikamaru! Don't sneak up on me like that, you might end up dead after my reflexes attack you."

Shikamaru didn't reply, probably because he was too lazy, instead he simply sat down at the table. He watched Temari as she made breakfast, eyes never leaving the blonde kunoichi, he didn't even notice his mother sitting down diagonally from him. He never saw the knowing look and devious smirk on Yoshino's face.

Temari finished making breakfast, served it and sat down with the small Nara family. They ate and chatted, there were laughs and smiles, well at least until Yoshino mentioned Shikamaru needing to get married and have an heir. He almost chocked on his food and started coughing.

"I don't need to get married yet! I have my entire life to do that."

"You absolutely do not! The sooner you find yourself a wife the better, saying this she needs to fit the criteria."

"Criteria..?" Shikamaru and Temari both said together. They made eye contact but quickly looked away. Yoshino smirked internally.

"Yes, the criteria." Yoshino talked slowly. "She needs to be smart, so as to not interfere with the Nara's genius gene. She must also be from a good family."

"Really? I didn't know that, I understand why she needs to be smart, but why does she have to come from a good family?"

"It's to keep some sort of honour or something. It's the same with my family too." Temari didn't really think it was necessary for the person she married to be from a good family, but it was a custom.

"What a drag."

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