Chapter 14. A Night Out

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"Guys, I have great news!" Naruto had a goofy smile on his face and his eyes reflected pure happiness. Everyone turned to him, wondering what the 'great news' was.

"Hinata-chan is pregnant! I'm going to be a father, ya know!"

"Congratulations Naruto!" Choji was the first to offer his compliments, followed by everyone else only leaving Kiba to stare at the blonde with wide eyes.

"You got my teammate pregnant?!?" Kiba pointed an accusing finger at Naruto, he had drunk a bit too much.

"Uhm, yes?" Naruto was kind of awkward, it wasn't every day one of your close friends accuses you of getting your wife pregnant.

Shikamaru sighed, it seemed as though everyone was having kids. It wasn't long ago Ino had announced her pregnancy and Sakura had just left on a trip with Sasuke. Now Hinata was pregnant and it was only him, Choji and possibly Sasuke who's wives weren't expecting.

Choji cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention, "since we're on the subject, I want to announce that Karui is also pregnant!"

Scratch that, it was only his wife and possibly Sasuke's wife who were not expecting.

There were congratulations again before everyone, except for Gaara and Kankuro, turned to look at Shikamaru expectantly.


"Oh come on Shikamaru! You're the only one who's not having a kid! Well you and maybe Sasuke..." Naruto tapped his chin thoughtfully thinking about his best friend.

"Ya Shikamaru, when are you going to do the deed?" Kiba snickered

Kankuro scowled, "I am more than happy if you don't knock up my sister."

Gaara elbowed Kankuro in the ribs earning a yelp of pain. "I wouldn't mind having a niece or nephew

Kankuro's eyes widened in shock and betrayal, "W-What?!"

Shikamaru shook his head, they had already discussed having children and had come to the conclusion that they didn't only want to have them they had to have them. After all there needed to be an heir to the Nara clan. But they didn't have any plans to have any soon.
"Maybe one day"

"Or you could just not have kids! Now that's a great idea." Kankuro stared at Shikamaru threateningly, "just because you married my sister don't think I like you yet."

"What a drag, you do realize I'm the head of the Nara clan. I have to have at least one kid, whether you like it or not."

"Whatever" Kankuro muttered as he downed his drink, his face was already becoming flustered from the excessive consumption of saké. At this rate he wouldn't be able to get back to the Nara compound, where he was staying, without help.

It was getting late when Shikamaru saw Temari stumbling towards them, it looked like she had drank a lot when she went out with all the girls. She made her way over to the table they were sitting at, she almost fell over her own feet before Shikamaru caught her. Temari wrapped her arms around her husband, pulling him into a loose embrace while giggling uncontrollably.

Shikamaru sighed, she had always had a low tolerance to alcohol, but normally she stayed away from it and drank water instead.

Temari leaned up towards his face, her voice was husky and seductive as she whispered his name, "Shikamaru".

In any other situation he would have given in and kissed her like no tomorrow, but she was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing and he wasn't about to take advantage of that. So he placed a small kiss on her forehead and turned to the others. "We should head home, it's getting late."

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