Chapter 7. Gossip Girl

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Shikamaru was sitting on his back porch watching the clouds. Even if it had been almost a week since his kiss with Temari he could still feel warmth on his lips. He would have tried to get a mission to go to Suna as soon as possible but Kakashi gave him one without him even having to ask. He went out on missions every once and a while but none of them brought him much interest. But this one he couldn't wait to go on, for once he was excited for a mission. The only problem is that it's only in one week's time. He sighed, one week seemed like a lifetime away.

Ino and her mother would be arriving soon and he had to be there to greet them or he would get an earful from his mother. Shikamaru took one last glance at the clouds and went back inside. He entered the living room to find Ino sitting with Yoshino, oh boy he was going to be in trouble.

"Nice to see you finally decided to join us Shikamaru."

His mother turned around and stared at him with an annoyed look on her face.

"What a drag"

He moved over to sit with the two girls.

"Say, Ino where's your mother?"

"Oh she's on her way, she just has to close the shop."

"Ahh, right"

Yoshino got up and left to the kitchen to prepare lunch as the two teammates continued chatting.

"Your mother told me about your little make out session with Temari."

Ino wiggled her eyebrows as Shikamaru started coughing. His eyes widened with shock, how did his mother even find out, unless she saw them...

"W-we did not make out! It was just a small kiss."

"Mhm, that lasted over a minute. Small kiss my ass."

"Ugh troublesome women."

. . .

Four more days until his mission to the Sand and Shikamaru was getting restless, all he could think about was Temari.

He was sitting in the barbecue restaurant with his friends. Naruto, Sai, Choji, Lee, Shino, Kiba, Sasuke and him were all sitting around a big table eating and talking amongst themselves. Shikamaru had spaced out thinking about the sand kunoichi and it didn't go unnoticed. Everyone shared confused looks as the Nara was usually attentive, well everyone except for Choji and Sai who exchanged a knowing glance.
Shikamaru snapped back to reality when he felt 6 pairs of eyes staring at him, he looked at them and blinked questioningly.

"So you and Temari hooked up..." Sai said nonchalantly.

Everyone's jaw hit the floor as their eyes widened, while Choji just shook his head, he knew that's not what happened. Shikamaru had a look of horror on his face. Naruto took the opportunity to be the first to talk.

"Shikamaru you dog! I never thought you of all people would hook up with someone, never mind the Kazekage's sister! What's he going to say when he finds out Temari's pregnant!"

"Hold on Naruto we don't know if she's pregnant or not the reason is because you might not get pregnant by having sex." Shino reasoned though he too had a surprised look on his normally stoic face.

Choji stepped in to save his horrified friend "They did not hook up, Sai. They just made out, for a really long time. Ino said it was for like an hour or something."

Damn that girl, he should have known she was behind this, now he had to explain what really happened.

"Damn Shikamaru, hitting up the princess are you!" Kiba had an amused expression on his face as he teased the Nara.

"What a drag. You all have it wrong, we did not hook up and we didn't make out for an hour. Ino needs to stop being such a gossip girl, it was only a small kiss."

"Oh but you did kiss her!" Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Yes Naruto I did."

The boys all smirked before turning to the poor Uchiha to get information about his relationship with the leaf's cherry blossom, Sakura Haruno. Shikamaru excused himself leaving some money and shooting Sasuke who was now being bombarded with questions a sympathetic look before going home for the night.

He was walking down the dimly lit roads towards the Nara compound when he bumped into Ino.

"Ino stop spreading rumours about Temari and I."

She looked at him innocently. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"What a drag"

She giggled walking off and he continued home.

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