Chapter 10. Fire

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Temari was sitting on her couch along with her brothers, Gaara was laughing, which is very rare and Kankuro was pouting. It was truly a sight to behold, two grown men acting like children, a kage and a World renowned puppet user. This was something only Temari had seen. She had just told Gaara about the little stunt Shikamaru and her had pulled.

Soon the laughter died down and he just looked at Kankuro with an amused expression.

"This is what you get for spying on your sister, I told you to trust her."


Temari got up and retired to her room, she stood on the balcony watching the stars. After a few minutes she noticed dark gray smoke coming from from the center of the village. It was quite strange as most of the buildings were made of sand and only a few made of wood. She decided to go investigate and aid anyone who could be in trouble. As she was nearing the scene she heard a child scream from inside what she could now see as a wooden building on fire. Not thinking twice Temari jumped into the flames, she quickly found the child and brought it outside. A woman ran up to her and hugged the little boy Temari had just saved thanking her over and over. She looked over to the burning building and noticed for the first time that it was the hotel Shikamaru, Ino and Choji were staying in.

The fire had been extinguished and luckily no one was seriously hurt. Now there was only one problem, where was everyone staying in the hotel going to go? They had to find accommodation for almost 50 people. Poor Gaara would have to stay up and sort it out instead of going to bed.

Temari went up to Ino, Choji and Shikamaru who were trying to figure out where they were going to stay.

"Hey, Temari!" Ino greeted her with a wave.

"Hi guys, are you all okay?"

"Ya we're fine and our stuff wasn't damaged, now we just need to find somewhere to stay."

"you can stay at my house if you need, we have lots of spare room."

Ino smiled, "that would be great, though we really only need two rooms. One for me and one for Choji, Shikamaru can stay with you!" Ino winked and pointed to Temari.

Shikamaru flushed red, "Troublesome woman."

Temari coughed "he'll have his own room."

Ino sighed looking disappointed. "Suit yourselves."

Temari walked the trio to her house and showed them to their rooms. They had all unpacked and gotten comfortable when Kankuro finally noticed there were more people than normal in his house.

"Umm, Temari."

"Hm, yes Kankuro."

"There are people in our house."

Temari rolled her eyes "you don't say."

"Wait, did you know they were here?"

"Of course I did, who do you think invited them to stay here?"

"Oh. Well who are they and why are they staying here, and why didn't I know about this?"

"It's Shikamaru, Ino and Choji, the hotel they were staying in caught fire and you didn't know because it was a last minute thing."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Shikamaru is staying in our house? He better have his own room!"


Temari smacked Kankuro on the back of his head.


"Of course he has his own room!"

"Good! But you didn't have to hit me.."

Temari rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed and went to her room. What did Kankuro think she was going to do? They're seventeen for kami's sake! She isn't stupid and won't do anything stupid either, Shikamaru wouldn't do anything, he's respectful and knows his boundaries. Nothing would happen.

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