Chapter 4. Day two

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As Temari supervised the construction of the new leaf hospital Sakura approached her,

"Hi Temari, it's good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too Sakura, how are you?"

"I'm doing great actually, Sasuke and I have started talking more while he's been in custody."

Temari smiled at the pink haired girl, "I just got here yesterday, all I've done is supervise construction, it's really boring."

"I feel for you, I'm in charge of the supervision of the new academy, thankfully I have today off. Soooo, I heard you're staying with a certain Nara!"

Temari fought the blush that threatened to cover her cheeks. "His mother offered and it's a better option than camping that's all."

"Hm, sure Temari, if you say so." Sakura winked and walked off.

Temari sighed, why did she almost blush? She was trained to keep her emotions in check but she was struggling when it came to Shikamaru and she didn't like it.

. . .

Shikamaru was in the Hokage's office helping him with some paperwork. He would be home by now if Kakashi wasn't trying to get out of doing his work , so here he was supervising a 30 year old man who was in charge of an entire village. It was pitiful really, but as the hokage's advisor and right hand man it was his responsibility.

Kakashi started talking, probably to stall doing the paperwork, but what he said grabbed Shikamaru's attention.

"So Temari is staying at your house is she? Any weddings coming up?"

"What? We're just friends."

Kakashi gave him a closed eyed smile. "Are you sure yo-"

There was a knock on the door and Temari walked in.

"Oh Temari! We were just talking about you, right Shikamaru?"


Temari raised an eyebrow questioningly at Shikamaru, then turned to Kakashi and handed him a folder.

"Here's the progress report for the new hospital."

"Thank you, you can go home now, and take Shikamaru with you."

Shikamaru snorted as he got up. "You better finish those papers Kakashi."

Temari and him walked out.

Kakashi smiled. "Those two..."

. . .

Shikamaru walked through the bustling village streets with Temari following close behind. The glow of the moon helped illuminate the roads along with beautiful golden fairy lights. Temari was mesmerized by the glow and upbeat night life the village had, though she was confused as to where they were going.

"Shikamaru I've only been to your house once, but I'm certain this is not the way there."

"We're going out for dinner, my mom's spending the evening with Choji's mom and cooking is too troublesome."

"Lazy ass"

"Troublesome woman"

Temari smiled and they continued into the crowd in search of a restaurant.

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