Chapter 13. Matrimony

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"You may now kiss the bride"

Everyone clapped, cried and smiled as the newly wedded couple had their first kiss as husband and wife. They were truly destined to be together, it was fate.

~ 2 weeks earlier ~


Temari sighed, they had just told her brothers about their engagement. Kankuro looked like he wanted to kill someone, that someone being Shikamaru and Gaara, well he looked calm enough.

"We're getting married."

Kankuro's eyes widened, "Since when?!"

"We've been engaged for a week."

"And you didn't tell us?!? How could you?!" He turned to Shikamaru pointing his finger accusingly, "You! You didn't even ask for our permission! How do you know I'm going to let you marry my sister, huh? I could say n-"

Temari smacked her brother on the head, cutting him off from saying anything else. "You don't have a say in the matter! I am getting married and there is nothing you can do about it, is that clear?" Temari glared at Kankuro threateningly. He gulped, there were only a few things he was scared of in this world, carpenter ants, Gaara and Temari, mostly Temari. Gaara was less scary now a days since he was over his whole kill everyone phase that Naruto knocked him out of and there aren't really many carpenter ants in Suna. But Temari was terrifying when she was mad.

"Fine... but I don't like it!"

Temari rolled her eyes "I never asked you to like it, personally I don't care what you think about my relationships, you don't even have a girlfriend!"

"Whatever. So when's the wedding, I assume there's going to be a ceremony and you aren't just going to elope."

"Of course there's going to be a ceremony! What do you take me for?"

"Hmph, at least it'll be done properly!"

"Kankuro stop being such a baby! Come on Shikamaru."

Temari stomped off dragging Shikamaru with her.

"Hey! They didn't tell us when the wedding's gonna be!"

Gaara looked at his brother and shook his head, he may be older than him but he sure didn't act like it.

. . .

~ 2 days later ~

Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and Shikamaru had started the journey to Konoha early that morning and they had been travelling for about 6 hours, only stopping once when Kankuro had to pee. Everyone was tired so they set up camp and relaxed around a fire.

With the night came cold temperatures, which contrasted the blazing heat of the day. Temari shifted closer to Shikamaru and cuddled up to him, in order to warm up a bit, attracting a sigh from Kankuro.

"Just don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Temari smiled, it was kind of nice knowing her brother was still looking out for her even if they're both adults now. She nodded snuggling closer to her fiancé as a chilling breeze blew through the camp, they were in for a cold night.

The time was nearing midnight when the group decided to go to bed. They had to get up early the next morning so going to sleep at a reasonable
time was a good idea. Of course 12:00 is not the earliest but it would have to do. Gaara and Kankuro both got out their sleeping bags,while Shikamaru got one out that was a bit bigger than the other two. Temari had gone behind the tent in hopes of getting changed into nightwear without being seen. When she went back into the tent everyone was already in the sleeping bags, she went to the bag Shikamaru was in and joined him getting questioning and suspicious glances from Kankuro. She curled up against Shikamaru, her head resting in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in closer, their body heat mixed together as they slipped into a deep sleep.

. . .

Temari stood in front of a mirror, she was dressed in a beautiful red wedding kimono with a black floral pattern at the bottom. She heard the door open behind her and some gasps, Temari turned around to see Ino, Sakura and Hinata, all with stars in their eyes.

"You look amazing Temari!" Sakura hurried over to get a closer look at the dress.

"S-she's right, you look a-amazing..." Hinata smiled at her, it wasn't long ago she was in this same position of everyone fawning over how beautiful she looked.

"Ah! You look stunning! Shikamaru is one lucky man!" Ino wiggled her eyebrows "I see you're not wearing white, is that a styled choice or is there... some other reason." The mischievous look on Ino's face gave away exactly what she meant. Temari slowly got flustered,

"I, I don't know what you're talking about, I just like red!"

"Mhm, if you say so!"

Sakura rolled her eyes, she knew what Ino was implying and it wasn't any of their business.

"Listen, pig it's none of our business why she's not wearing white and who cares! She looks amazing in her red dress and that's all that matters."

"Oh come on forehead! You must be kind of curious, I mean, have they or have they not hooked up?

"Leave her alone Ino, it's none of our business!" Everyone was quiet, they turned in shock to stare at the usually shy and calm ravenette. Suddenly her body started to shake she burst out in tears, Sakura hurried to her side and took her to Naruto. He was extremely confused as he tried to comfort his wife, Sakura shot Ino a 'this is your fault' look as she walked back in the dressing room.

"Hey it's not my fault!"

Temari was about to say something when Ino started talking again,

"Well even if we don't know if Temari and Shikamaru have done the deed, we at least know one person who has..."

Sakura gasped and Temari look slightly confused.

"How do you know?"

"Did you see those mood swings? That's not normal, not even on your period, besides Hinata's normally calm and collected. She's totally pregnant!"

"Oh my Kami!" Temari placed her hand over her mouth. "That's great news! Do you think they know?"

Sakura shook her head, "I don't think they know yet and if they do it's only Hinata who knows. Besides she hasn't come in for a check up at the hospital."

Ino snorted "If Naruto knew we wouldn't hear the end of it!"

"If I knew what?"

The three girls turned around to see Naruto standing at the door and a confused look on his face.

"Guysss what's going on? What don't I know?"

"Nothing!" All three said at the same time.

"Hmmm, if you say so. Anyways I came to tell you the ceremony's about to start!"

Ino and Sakura left the room with Naruto, saying "good luck Temari" and "we'll see you later!"

As soon as they left Gaara walked in, he would be walking her down the aisle since she didn't have a father to do so.

He smiled at her "you look beautiful Temari"

"Thank you."

They heard the wedding music start, Gaara glanced over at Temari, she was beaming. They started walking side by side down the aisle. She saw Shikamaru whisper something to Choji, who was standing beside him.

When they reached the altar the priest started the ceremony. As Temari stood there she tried to imagine her life together with Shikamaru, they had already decided to have kids. Would they live in Konoha or Suna? As she thought about it more she came to the conclusion that they would probably live in Konoha. Shikamaru was the head of the Nara clan so he couldn't just leave. Then the priest said her name which snapped her out of her thoughts to hear the rest of what he was saying.

"Do you take Shikamaru Nara to be your husband and to carry the Nara symbol on your back until death do you part?

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride"

Everyone clapped, cried and smiled as the newly wedded couple had their first kiss as husband and wife. They were truly destined to be together, it was fate.

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