01: Awake

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Jungkook POV

"Men, we have to find out where that explosion came from, fast. It could be hurtful to us if we don't know what it is" I said. One minute, I was reading in my office, the next, some sort of explosion acured and it had me and my people surprised and scared.

We went out to find out where that explosion came from.

"Alright, Taehyung, I want you and your men to search the South West of the forest" I said telling my right hand man Taehyung to search for the direction I told him to go. "Yoongi, I want you and your men to go search off in the east part of the forest" I said. Yoongi was a close friend of mine and I trusted him with anything.

"And Hoseok, you and you men will protect the town in case something happens while we're gone" I told Hoseok. Hoseok was my left hand man. He was the second person I could trust among with Yoongi and Taehyung.

Me and my men ran off in the West.

I saw Yoongi and Taehyungs groups spread out and I went my own path through the forest.
I've been the leader for the town for years and I know this huge forest like the back of my hand.
I knew this sound was important since it could cause a threat to us.

After 7 minutes It was one of my men who found the source of the explosion.

There we found a man laying there in the ground. I checked his heartbeat and he was alive. It looked like he had just got there since he was clean and well. He hasn't been there long.

I couldn't help but notice how cute and handsome he was. He was not like anyone I had ever seen and it surprised me.

"He's coming with us" I said while picking him up in my hands bridal style. Damn, did this man fall from the sky?

I connected with Taehyung and Yoongi on a radio and told him to go back to the town.

After 8 minutes I brought the man to my bed so he could rest. "W-who is he Jungkook?" Asked Taehyung. "He was in the forest on the ground. I don't know what happened but I've decided to bring him here" I said. "Let's hope we can trust him" Said Yoongi.

I allowed the man to be in the hand of Jin, our town doctor.

Hours later
Jimin POV

"W-where...where am I?....."

"Oh good, your awake"


"I'm Doctor Seokjin, you were brought here because you were found in the forest"

"I don't understand....I don't remember anything....."

"It's okay, you'll remember soon enough, for now rest"


I had not idea where I was. I only saw this man taking care of me and me laying in a bedroom.
"Could I go to the bathroom?" I asked. He was kind enough to show me where the bathroom was and I entered. I looked in the mirror and was surprised to see myself. "Who am I?? Didn't I look different?" I asked myself.

I had no memory of anything, Other than my last appearance and name.....Park Jimin....

This story is gonna be so bad 😫

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