06: Soldiers

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Jackson POV

"Hahahaha, now that Jimins out of the way, I can finally find the memories I need so I can find the code to the safe!" I yelled in excitement.

"But why do you need Jimins memories for that master?" Asked my right hand man, Suho.      Because you idiot, Jimin was the only one able to find out the code of the first kings secret safe that he kept hidden away after he passed away 100's of years ago. I've always wanted his invention" I said while scrolling through Jimins memories.

Suho just sighed and rolled his eyes.

It took forever but I soon found the memory for the night of March 5th, 2020. Jimin thought he could stop me, huh? He's probably still In the forest all alone like the person he is. I managed to separate him and his brother Jihun and now I'm gonna fulfill my greatest wish!

Some people are really useful for something after all.

Jimin POV

"Jimin, you remember where you came from, right?" asked Namjoon. "Of course, it's at the very end of the abandoned forest" I said. "A-alright, I'm not gonna ask how the hell you found that forest but right now we need to work" He said. "I'm gonna call my men and they're gonna be the ones to bring us Jungkook and....my brother Taehyung. I still can't believe he's my brother, I mean my parents told me that he died after birth and only I survived" he continued.

As soon as Namjoon made that phone call we got to work on what I thought.

"Namjoon, I allowed Jackson to take my memories, I managed to find Kang Daniel" I said to Namjoon. "But he's been in hiding for years!" Yelled Namjoon in surprise. "I managed to find him, and convince him to put a tracker in my memories. The Legends are true, he really figured out a way to put a tracking device in your memories" I said while looking at Namjoon. "Jimin, your a great genius!" He yelled.

"The next step of the plan is for me to feel where my memories are. Daniel said that this is the shitty part, I could get dizzy or even faint depending on what Jackson is doing to them" I said." Then we have no time to waste" Said Namjoon as he was making another phone call.

Jungkook POV

"Jungkook!" yelled Yoongi running into my room. I was just sitting on my bed thinking. "Jungkook! We have a huge issue! Some people are here and they want to see you and Taehyung!" He yelled again. I quickly got off my bed and followed Yoongi outside just to see men in black and weapons aiming at us.
"Don't worry, we won't shoot. We just want Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung" Said one of them walking slowly towards us.

"Names Kai, I'm the leader of this little gang but I too, have a leader of my own. Kim Namjoon has ordered us to come collect the two men we are looking for" he said.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook, Why do you need us?" I asked. "Namjoon thinks you would be useful to defeat a man named Jackson, we ask for your help, Taehyung Is for a completely different reason, which isn't bad" He said. "No, we don't even know you men" I said.

"But you do know Park Jimin, don't you?" He said making my freeze in my spot. "Did you take him?!" I yelled. "No! He also works for Kim Namjoon along with me. He's helping us stop Jackson. He's the one that told us you were here" He said making me think.

Could I really trust him?

I took the chance with my gut and agreed to go with him.

I ran to get Taehyung and he agreed admittedly.

"Yoongi, think you could come with us?" I asked Yoongi. "What? Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes, your my best friend, why would I just leave you behind?" I said. He agreed and I asked Hoseok to do something for me.
"Hoseok, I trust this camp to no one other than you, I know this place would be in good hands with you in charge" I said. "Jungkook....i promise to not let you down...." He said while hugging me.

We all left and I guided them out of the forest and when I managed to go out somewhere other than the forest I was amazed. Taehyung and Yoongi were just as amazed by the outside world.

A lot more sunlight and great machines.

Jimin, here I come.

My longest part for a story ever with more than 750 words

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