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Since this book is full of facts I might as well start from the very beginning. And by that I mean to talk more about a fandom

Even though we all say that we are part of this and that fandom, have you ever thought what even fandom is?

Now don't get me wrong! I do not mean it in a bad way! Not at all!

I just want to say some more about the so-called fandom for someone who, for example, is new to the whole stuff like countryhumans or other fandoms.

Alright with the title explained, let's see what the fandom is.

Fandom, according to the Urban dictionary:

'Is a cult that will destroy your life with sleep-deprived people in it, willingly have their souls devoured by an obsession over one or multiple comics, books, tv shows, movies, video games, etc. and that you should run away fast from it and never ever look back'

Yeah, even though I don't want to agree with this statement, it is right in some points.

However, the Urban dictionary is one definition that I can agree with on 100%

'A fandom is a group, or community, of people who like a game, book, or specific topic. Usually, on social media, fandom is not an uncommon sight.

Most people have gone into a fandom, and there is a most likely chance a person will go into a fandom, and leave one, once in their life.

Fandoms can be good or bad, depending on the age of people, the smarts of people, and the amount of cringe of people. Emojis and cringe, etc. can ruin a fragile fandom. Not to mention horny artists who have the urge to make porn. (At least the art is good.)'

This had to be the perfect description I have ever read because it can be applied to any fandom.

Every fandom is specific for something, but every fandom has the dark side and that is a fact. As the description says 'Fandom can be good or bad'

My personal definition of fandom is like this

'Fandom is a group of people that are interested in something that that they have in common and share this stuff with each other. These fandoms can be the best thing or the worst thing that had happened to you. It depends on the people that are in the said fandom and if you have the guts to stand the dark part of the fandom'

If I had to specify 'The dark parts of a fandom' it's a part that no one would like to see but eventually will have to see something of it.

'The dark parts of a fandom' is usually NSFW arts and a lot more weird and uncomfortable stuff. Unfortunately, this part is in every fandom. Even if you had the nicest and the most innocent fandom that you could find, believe me, if you'd search hard enough, you would find the dark part.

Aside from the dark, there are people who are reasonable and only a little crazy. These kinds of people usually keep the fandom together.

They make beautiful fan arts or amazing fanfictions and from time to time they would draw or write something NSFW.

So this is my summary of what a 'fandom' means in the next chapter we will have a look at the specific fandom, Countryhumans

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