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Slovakia headcanons

nicknames: Kia or Slov
clothes: t-shirts, jacket (camo, black or white, blue and red), shield-shaped eyepatch (three blue mountains, red background and white double-cross on the middle mountain) black or dark blue jeans, has a braid on the left side of his face, wears a small triangular shaped necklace that is from a bullet that was in his mom's plane

mother - Czechoslovakia
father - Soviet Union/ USSR
twin brother - Czech Republic
half-siblings - Russia, Ukraine, Kazachstan and Belarus

The main canons:

- belives more in god then Czech

- is the younger twin (by 10 minutes)

- likes nature and tours in the mountains

- prefers to fly with helicopter then planes

- has more interest in the helicopters

- in his spare time helps to rescue hikers in the mountains with his helicopter

- likes farming

- likes ice hockey -> loves to have a friendly match with Czech followed by a sibling fight on the ice

- likes prank wars and teasing his brother

- is scared of thunder -> it will remind him of the past self and have a panic attack

- is a rapper, DJ and YouTuber

- his favorite color is orange

- likes skiing and snowboarding -> is better than Czech because has better winter conditions

- has anger attacks - a random or triggered outburst of anger as his past self (Slovenský štát - Slovakian state) from II. world war

- has similar traditions as Czech and is also easily offended when someone talks bad about them

- has a Czech lion tattooed on his right wrist

- gets along with his half-siblings (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus - mostly with Ukraine)

- has hand made ushanka from Soviet with his coat of arms pin on the front

- is very protective of his twin brother

- is rather strong

- makes homemade slivovitz - one of the strongest

- likes to party a lot

- is a better cook from the twins

- pranks more

- is the funnier twin

- is skeptical about planes because of a plane accident in 2006 - he would be fidgeting in his seat and looking nervous

- when Czech offers him that he can hold his arm while takeoff and landing - he would usually accept it

- while turbulence he would usually close his eyes and hug his twin brother and then falling asleep

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