Relationships/ships between countries

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Relationships/ships between countries

As from the previous part about countryhumans, you read that these relationships are often based on historical events, current world situations or they can be completely random

As an example, I will be using multiple ships. Some of them might be uncomfortable and offensive so please be aware of it, that I am using them just as an example.

Okay if that is clear let's begin

RusAme - Russia x United States of America

This is one of the most famous ships in the countryhuman fandom. This ship is sometimes based on a love-hate relationship between these two countries and basing it on the fact that these are the two largest and the most powerful countries, meaning that they have the love-hate relationship between them.

CzechSlov - Czech Republic x Slovakia

This ship here is one I am not very fond of for a few reasons. I am sure that I am putting myself in the risk of growing haters. Especially in Czech and Slovak countryhuman fandom, because I know that they ship these two countries.

The reason I am putting this ship here is that this is an incest ship.

Some people would just say 'Well then don't make them brothers and the ship can sail!'

Well... it's not as easy as it sounds.

You see, the Czechs and Slovaks have a really close relationship. Once they formed a country together but then after some political misunderstandings and problems the politicians said there would be two states instead of one.

This brings us to the present. The Czechs and Slovaks have that really close relationship and we always refer to one another as 'brothers'. So I can't just pretend that they are not brothers when they clearly are.

Here are some more examples of sibling/ incest ships I found, for me, uncomfortable because they are clearly in family relationship
(Please proceed with caution):

CanAme - Canada x United States of America

AusZea - Australia x New Zealand
NKSK - North Korea x South Korea
SovietRussia - Soviet union x Russia
ThirdGermany - Third Reich x Germany

GreatAmerica - Great Britain x United States of America

And I think the list could go on and on. Some will say 'Well don't make them a family then they can be shipped!' It is not that simple either.

Even if the creator will say that they are not a family, most people from the fandom will disagree. Plus the 'Family relationships' are based on historical events and these things can't be unseen.

ThirdUnion - Third Reich x Soviet Union

This particular ship is one that can cause some trouble. This ship is known to be one of the most hated and loved at the same time. And even though I personally despise that ship... I must agree with it.

BUT! Before you start throwing rocks, hate or other stuff at me, hear me out.

During a second world war, the relationship between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union was really close. They were fight side by side, had a pact of not fighting against each other, they were allies. Until the Third Reich broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union. The counties changed the sides and were fighting against each other till the Soviet Union was victorious and the Third Reich killed themselves.

These points are the one that makes me think that there is a possibility that something more than just allies or just close friends could happen.

It is a great material for a plot for a book or even a movie.

Two leaders of great countries, who were friends when they were younger reunite together after a long time. They were close when they were younger and they unknowingly developed feelings for one another. When one of the parties sense it, they break a promise they had between them, turn against them and want them destroyed.

The second party not knowing why a close friend of theirs would do such a horrible thing and would be glad to make them pay for what they did. They will start fighting against each other, with the help of other leaders, other until the hurt party is victorious and demands answers from the defeated party.

They would admit that they were scared of the relationship and what even was between them, in the end, they would confess that they love the second party and killing themselves or trying to kill themselves but not succeeding and both parties would live together.

See? If I didn't tell you that it is about the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. You wouldn't even know that.

HOWEVER! As I said before I do NOT, I repeat, I DO NOT support this ship!!

To me even when it is the source for a good love-hate relationship between them, I am sticking to normal things and NOT shipping them romantically. I personally see them as good friends that had some issues, hated each other for a while but then are back to being good friends

I think this ship and some other are popular because the shippers think its cute and UwU and they would be just perfect for one another and made beautiful babies together and would be so so so good in bed together...yeah I am starting to feel nauseous after typing that sentence.

Anyways, there maybe could be some good fanfiction about this particular ship ThirdUnion, but the problem is that majority of it are only smut fics, that does not want to do anything with something like a backstory.

Most of the ships and books, regardless of this ship or this fandom, fail in my opinion because it doesn't include a backstory. They just like two characters and want them to together, fuck each other senselessly until they spend the rest of their life together fucking and cuddling.

So to sum up the ship ThirdUnion. I do not support this ship. It is rather offensive in my opinion. However, there are historical facts that are saying that this ship could happen, but as I said I do NOT support the love ship.

CzechAme -Czech Republic x United states of America

This ship belongs to a group called crazy and random. It's a ship I come up with my good friend nebula_ascending. At first, we thought nothing of it but then we made some headcanons for the said ship and we really got into it.

So in conclusion, you can make your own ships but you will have to be prepared for the haters. And believe me that even when they don't seem to be coming, they will come eventually.

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