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Greenland headcanons

Nicknames: Green, Gree, Gren

Clothes and accessories: red (top) and bottom (white) eye patch, dark red coat with beige fur on hood and coat of arms on his right upper arm, brown jumper, black jeans and dark brown boots with being fur


Siblings: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Faroe Islands

Father: Kalmar Union

The main canons:

- is a female

- she is the youngest from the family

- she is the closest with Faroe Islands and Iceland because they are the second youngest and often ignored

- when she was younger she loved to build igloos but failed, nowadays she does that from time to time but always a success

- she would sometimes challenge her best friend Antarctica to build competition: Who will build better igloo fort, they are always tied

- she is bilingual: Greenlandic, Danish and English

- she knows her way around ships and planes

- she is distant to other countries because she can't and she won't trust someone easily and even when she gets them to know better she will definitely keep a close eye on them

- to the ones who she trusts, she is open, kind and sometimes she even shows that she is a bit shy

- she will mainly show the softer and more relaxed side to her family and close friends

- to other countries, she would act a bit distant but polite and nice

- however, when she would feel annoyed/angered she will show it

- she likes fishing and she knows her way with harpoons

- she prefers seafood but she will eat other meats as well

- she owns three Greenland dogs so she has enough for her sleds

- she loves dog sledding and dog sledding races

- when she is feeling down she will go cuddle with her dogs or go out for a walk with them

- when she needs to clear her mind/needs time alone she would go kayaking

- she built her kayak on her own

- when she is on meetings she would doodle or scribble and then she would carve it in the kayak


A/n: Thank you nebula_ascending for providing me with some helpful info about your version of Greenland and thank you ThatOneDragon3 for requesting!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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