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Australia headcanons

Nicknames: Aussie, Aus

clothes and accessories: black or white t-shirt, beige shirt with matching shorts or just jeans, a denim vest, a necklace with the teeth of an alligator, stockman hat decorated with crocodile teeth, black or dark beige combat boots and a butterfly knife on the waist of his pants

mother - Aboriginal Australia
adoptive mother - France
father - Great Britain
siblings - America, Canada and New Zealand

The main canons:

- he loves adventure and is adventures

- he is a little crazy, in a good way -> he is wild

- he probably has ADHD

- he cant keep attention (on meetings or in school)

- he can be easily distracted

- he is a prankster, he is able to pull a prank on anyone and anytime

- New Zealand is his pranking partner

- he is closest with New Zealand

- he likes swimming and loves diving in the sea, exploring The Great Barrier Reef

- he loves drinking beer

- his favorite sweet snacks are: Vegemite and Fairy Bread

- his favorite sweet dink is Milo

- he hates ibises

- he has major respect towards stingrays - he doesn't hate them just respects them

- during Christmas, he will always sing Australian version of 'Jingle bells'

- he will use slag very often, to the point that most countries or humans won't understand him

- top used word: mate

- he saves all injured animals - he has them all in his house, takes care of them until they are healthy and release them back in nature

- he has a lot of snakes as pets

- he would usually bring small ones or baby snakes on meetings - he would have them in his pocket to keep them warm

- he is immune to most poisons

- he was bitten and stung a lot of time so his body build-up an immune system against the poisons

- he has a lot of scars on his body from fighting crocodiles and other dangerous creatures

- he has burn marks on his body and he is scared of fire (based on Australian bush fires 2019/2020)

- he loves making boomerangs and loves playing with them

- he loves to tease America with McDonald's calling it Macas

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