Chapter 18

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After eating a heap of food in the lounge and smuggling some chocolate croissants into a container, we finally left to go catch our plane. We had to walk through another bit of security however it was only for bags which meant I could just go straight through. I took a picture of the plane from the big window and waited for the lady at the desk to tell us we could get on the plane. I sent a photo on snapchat of me next to the plane to Morgan. Turns out the reason why I thought my phone hadn't been working was because I don't have a special card that goes in my phone. Laura connected me to the airport Wi-Fi though and it has been working fine since. Morgan replied instantly with an excited face and then sent a second picture with a sad face saying she missed me.

Sarah then told us that the plane workers told us we could get on first because other workers needed to escort Sarah out of the airport, and we needed her to get one. Once she had done all her polite talking, they ripped our tickets in half and let us walk through.

"Keep walking! Now turn around!" Laura bossed around. "I want to get a photo."  As I stood there and smiled for the camera, I wondered how many families had done the exact same thing with their kids in this spot. It was a happy thought. "Let's go home!" Laura smiled. I was so excited to see what a plane was like on the inside.

We walked onto the plane and were greeted by some aeroplane workers who gave us directed to our seat.

"I wanted to fly business class with you because it was just the two of us and it would be special, but because the flight was booked so late, it was too expensive to upgrade."

"What's business class?" I asked.

"There are different types of seats on the plane. Some are fancier than others. We're in economy now, which is the basic one and then this plane also has business which is fancier. The food is better, the seats are bigger and more comfortable and there are less people. Oh well."

"I don't mind." I told her, looking out the window. The sun had finally come up and the sky was clear. Slowly more people started getting on the plane. There was another older woman seated next to Laura, since the plane had rows of three seats.

Laura showed me how to use the screen so that I could watch the princess diaries 2 and also showed me what I had to do to my phone whilst we were in the air. It had a special feature specifically for when you were on aeroplanes which I thought was pretty cool.

"Chris says you can pick a snack off the plane menu later too. It's going to be dinner time when we arrive by the way. We can pick something up on the way home."

"Thankyou." I smiled. I had never smiled more than in the time I'd been with Laura.

"Of course!" She grinned back. "Have you ever had McDonalds before?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

"The boys love it. I'm sure you will too." She laughed. Suddenly a voice came over the loudspeaker in the plane and gave a heap of instructions. Funny looking people with yellow vests walked seriously up and down the aisles and blew the whistles attached. Then finally the pilot announced we would be taking off. "Ready?" Laura asked.

"Kind of." I half-smiled. I was nervous. She grabbed my hand as the plane started moving. It wasn't very fast as it drove onto the runway, then the speed started to increase. The noise was loud, but I couldn't take my eyes off the view out the window. Finally the rumbling stopped, and I realised we weren't on the ground anymore. The plane was slightly tilted as it rose higher and higher into the clouds, the ground below disappearing. "Woah." I exclaimed.

"Pretty cool, huh."

I continued to watch out the window as we flew further, until a ding notified all passengers, they were allowed to take their seatbelts off.

"Do you want to watch the movie now or later?" Laura asked.

"Maybe in a while." I smiled.

"Okay. Do you want to play a game now?"

"Which game?" My eyes lit up. Laura reached into her handbag and brought out a brand-new packet of monopoly deal.

"I bought it a few days ago." She laughed. I set it up and taught her how to play, although she seemed to understand mostly already. Probably from watching Morgan and I play all day long back at the hospital.

We played a few rounds, Laura insisting to play again until she finally won. It took eight games before she beat me and then we decided to put it away and have a break. She started the movie for me, and I watched just as intently as the night before. The second movie did not disappoint, although I was upset there wasn't a third.

"How was it?" Laura asked when it was done.

"Really good." I smiled. I noticed she had been watching something too.

"I'm glad you liked it. I haven't seen the second one."

"You should watch it." I told her, making her laugh.

"I think we've got some lunch coming soon." Just as the words came out of her mouth the trolley pulled up next to our row.

"Some lunch for you ladies. How are you enjoying the flight so far?" The hostess asked us. I stayed quiet as he served us the food and made polite conversation with Laura. He had given us something hot, a small fruit cup and what looked to be a little cake.

"This food is often...interesting, so it's okay if you don't like it." Laura smiled. When I opened mine it was actually just a hot sandwich with melted cheese. It wasn't like anything I'd had before but it was delicious. Laura had some salad dish and also the fruit and cake.

I liked some of the fruits in my cup, like the red one which Laura told me was watermelon, but the yellow one was really sour and hurt my mouth to eat. Apparently, that was pineapple which Laura loves so she ate it for me since I decided I didn't really like it. I read the packaging label on the cake and found out it was this delicious lemon cake. It was really soft and spongy.

After I had finished eating all my food I played around on my phone and took photos out of the plane window.

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